
A lightweight markup language for story writers

library, mit, web, Propose Tags , Text.Ogmarkup, Text.Ogmarkup.Private.Ast, Text.Ogmarkup.Private.Config, Text.Ogmarkup.Private.Generator, Text.Ogmarkup.Private.Parser, Text.Ogmarkup.Private.Typography
cabal install ogmarkup-5.0


ogmarkup Build Status

ogmarkup is a lightweight markup language for story writers. ogmarkup also refers to a haskell library that provides a generic conversion function to transform an ogmarkup document into a ready-to-publish document.

Using ogmarkup in your own project

ogmarkup is available on Hackage but not on Stackage. If you are using stack, yo can add the following lines in your stack.yaml file:

# ...
  - ogmarkup-<version>
# ...

If you use Hakyll to build your website, you may want to take a look at hakyll-ogmarkup which brings the two projects together.


The documentation of the ogmarkup library can be found online on Hackage and the project has its own OpenHub page.

Version number policy

From a release ogmarkup-a.b.c, if a change breaks the private interface of ogmarkup (that is Text.Ogmarkup.Private modules) then b is incremented. If a change breaks the public interface (that is Text.Ogmarkup) then a is incremented. Otherwise, just c is incremented.