
This package provides type-safe access to filepath manipulations. System.Path is designed to be used instead of System.FilePath. (It is intended to provide versions of functions from that module which have equivalent functionality but are more typesafe). System.Path.Directory is a companion module providing a type-safe alternative to System.Directory. The heart of this package is the Path ar fd abstract type which represents file and directory paths. The idea is that there are two type parameters - the first should be Abs or Rel, and the second File or Dir. A number of type synonyms are provided for common types: The type of the combine (aka </>) function gives the idea: Together this enables us to give more meaningful types to a lot of the functions, and (hopefully) catch a bunch more errors at compile time. For more details see the file. Related packages: filepath: The API of Neil Mitchell's System.FilePath module (and properties satisfied) heavily influenced our package. path: Provides a wrapper type around FilePath and maps to functions from filepath package. This warrants consistency with filepath functions. Requires Template Haskell. data-filepath: Requires Typeable and Template Haskell. hpath: ByteString-based path type with type parameter for absolute and relative paths.

library, system, Propose Tags, System.Path, System.FilePath, System.Path.Directory, System.Directory, Skip to Readme, , Index, Quick Jump, System.Path.Generic, System.Path.IO, System.Path.Part, System.Path.PartClass, System.Path.Posix, System.Path.Windows, More info, pathtype-, browse, Package description, Package maintainers, BenMoseley, HenningThielemann, edit package information , 0.5.4, 0.8.1,
cabal install pathtype-