Tasty is a modern testing framework for Haskell. It lets you combine your unit tests, golden tests, QuickCheck/SmallCheck properties, and any other types of tests into a single test suite.

mit, testing, Propose Tags , Test.Tasty, Test.Tasty.Ingredients, Test.Tasty.Ingredients.Basic, Test.Tasty.Ingredients.ConsoleReporter, Test.Tasty.Options, Test.Tasty.Patterns.Eval, Test.Tasty.Patterns.Parser, Test.Tasty.Patterns.Types, Test.Tasty.Providers, Test.Tasty.Providers.ConsoleFormat, Test.Tasty.Runners, change log, tasty, tasty-hunit, HUnit, tasty-golden, tasty-smallcheck, smallcheck, tasty-quickcheck, QuickCheck, tasty-hedgehog, Hedgehog, tasty-hspec, Hspec, tasty-leancheck, LeanCheck, tasty-program, tasty-wai, wai, tasty-ant-xml, tasty-rerun, tasty-html, tasty-stats, tasty-th, tasty-hunit-adapter, tasty-discover, tasty-expected-failure, awk expression, Custom options in Tasty, Patterns, #103, testCaseSteps, issue #152, Holy Haskell Project Starter, First time testing, also with FP Complete, 24 Days of Hackage: tasty, Resources in Tasty, Resources in Tasty (update), Announcing tasty-rerun, Code testing in Haskell revisited (with Tasty), New patterns in tasty, Screencast: Dynamic Test Suites in Haskell using Hspec and Tasty, Automatically generated directories for tasty tests, from the last 5 years, Roman Cheplyaka, Oliver Charles
cabal install tasty-