
Enhanced standard types for Haxe

collection, haxe, type
haxelib install extype 2.0.0-rc.2



Enhanced standard types for Haxe



  • Haxe 4.1+

Tested platforms

  • JavaScript
  • Eval
  • NekoVM
  • CPP
  • Java
  • JVM


haxelib install extype




Unit is a type that indicates no value.


Nullable<T> is a wrapper type that can either have a value or null.


Maybe<T> is a wrapper type that can either have a value or none. Maybe<T> looks like haxe.ds.Option<T>, but be annotatted the Default Static Extension (@:using(extype.tools.MaybeTools)).


Result<T, E> is a wrapper type that can either have a value or an error. Result<T, E> looks like haxe.ds.Either<A,B>, but be annotatted the Default Static Extension (@:using(extype.tools.ResultTools)).

Tuple2 - Tuple10

Tuple[2-10] can hold any values of several different types.


Pair<T1, T2> is an alias of Tuple2<T1, T2>.


Map<K, V> is a collection of key/value pairs. This is a multi-type abstract, it is instantiated as one of its specialization types depending on its type parameters.

  1. if K is a String, extype.map.StringMap is used
  2. if K is an Int, extype.map.IntMap is used
  3. if K is an EnumValue, extype.map.EnumValueMap is used
  4. if K is any other class or structure, extype.map.ObjectMap is used
  5. if K is any other type, it causes a compile-time error


Map<K, V> is a collection of key/value pairs. You can iterate through the keys in insertion order. This is a multi-type abstract, it is instantiated as one of its specialization types depending on its type parameters.

  1. if K is a String, extype.orderedmap.OrderedStringMap is used
  2. if K is an Int, extype.orderedmap.OrderedIntMap is used
  3. if K is an EnumValue, extype.orderedmap.OrderedEnumValueMap is used
  4. if K is any other class or structure, extype.orderedmap.OrderedObjectMap is used
  5. if K is any other type, it causes a compile-time error


Set<T> is a set of values. This is a multi-type abstract, it is instantiated as one of its specialization types depending on its type parameters.

  1. if T is a String, extype.set.StringSet is used
  2. if T is an Int, extype.set.IntSet is used
  3. if T is an EnumValue, extype.set.EnumValueSet is used
  4. if T is any other class or structure, extype.set.ObjectSet is used
  5. if T is any other type, it causes a compile-time error


OrderedSet<T> is a set of values. You can iterate through the values in insertion order. This is a multi-type abstract, it is instantiated as one of its specialization types depending on its type parameters.

  1. if T is a String, extype.orderedset.OrderedStringSet is used
  2. if T is an Int, extype.orderedset.OrderedIntSet is used
  3. if T is an EnumValue, extype.orderedset.OrderedEnumValueSet is used
  4. if T is any other class or structure, extype.orderedset.OrderedObjectSet is used
  5. if T is any other type, it causes a compile-time error


LinkedList<T> is doubly linked list implementation.


ReadOnlyArray<T> is a read-only Array<T>, and it is an alias of haxe.ds.ReadOnlyArray<T>.


ReadOnlyDynamic<T> is a read-only Dynamic<T>.


ReadOnlySet<T> is a read-only Set<T>.


ReadOnlyMap<K, V> is a read-only Map<K, V>.


Exception represents the application errors. Exception is the same as haxe.Exception.

  • NoDataException
  • NotImplementedException


Mixed2 - Mixed10

Mixed[2-10] can have a value of several different types. Mixed2 is the same as haxe.extern.EitherType.


ValueOrArray<T> is a type that likes as haxe.extern.EitherType<T, Array<T>>.


ValueOrFunction<T> is the same as haxe.extern.EitherType<T, Void -> T>.

{{ Experimental }} Extern<T>

Extern<T> is a generic-build macro type that can use @:native metadata to the anonymous structure.

extern function defineProperty(name: String, option: Extern<PropertyOption>): Void;

typedef PropertyOption = {
    var defaultValue;

{{ Experimental }} Indexable<TObject, TValue>

Indexable<TObject, TValue> is a type that likes as haxe.DynamicAccess<TValue>. But Indexable<TObject, TValue> is different in that can access TObject's field.

Breaking changes from v2.x

  • [rename] Maybe<T> (v2) -> Nullable<T> (v3)
  • [remove] Result<T> (v2)
  • [add] Maybe<T> (v3)
  • [add] Result<T, E> (v3)
  • extype.iterator package has been deprecated. This package was not maintained long time.
  • XxxError has been deprecated. Please use XxxException instead.