Project closed - use HUGS
HaXe Unity3d target
Unity 4.x ready
haxelib install unity3d
Compile project example
haxe -main Main -cp src -cs bin -D no-compilation -lib unity3d {+required classes}
And then, use the .cs files in the unity3d editor
Tips and Tricks
You can use FlashDevelop-HaXe-Projects-Templates
You can use .NET Library for additional function
You can use Pony for building event-oriented system and use some magic
package ; import unityEngine.MonoBehaviour; import unityEngine.Time; import unityEngine.Vector3; import unityEngine.GameObject; using UnityHelper; class MyClass extends MonoBehaviour { private var target:GameObject; private var speed:Single; private function Start():Void { speed = 5; if (target == null) target = GameObject.Find('/Target'); } private function Update():Void { if (speed == 0) return; getTransform().position = Vector3.MoveTowards(getTransform().position, target.transform.position, Time.deltaTime * speed); } }