
DataBase Interface for Erlang using PostgreSQL



DBI for Erlang (PostgreSQL)

Build Status Codecov License: LGPL 2.1 Hex

Database Interface for Erlang and Elixir using PostgreSQL. For further information check DBI.

Install (rebar3)

To use it, with rebar, you only need to add the dependency to the rebar.config file:

{deps, [
    {dbi_pgsql, "0.1.1"}

Install (mix)

To use it, with mix, you only need to add the dependency to the mix.exs file:

{:dbi_pgsql, "~> 0.1.1"}


The configuration is made in the configuration file (sys.config or app.config) so, you can add a new block for config the database connection as follow:

{dbi, [
    {mystrongdb, [
        {type, pgsql},
        {host, "localhost"},
        {user, "root"},
        {pass, "root"},
        {database, "mystrongdb"},
        {poolsize, 100}

In case you're using Elixir, you can define the configuration for your project in this way:

confg :dbi, mystrongdb: [
              type: :pgsql,
              host: 'localhost',
              user: 'root',
              pass: 'root',
              database: 'mystrongdb',
              poolsize: 100
