
Erlang implementation of ua-parser based on uap-cpp

erlang, parser, user-agent


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This is the Erlang implementation of ua-parser. The implementation is a NIF wrapper around uap-cpp.

Getting started:


In order to be able to compile properly make sure the following deps are available on your machine:

  • re2
  • yaml-cpp (0.5 API)

On Mac Os you can install those using brew :

brew install re2 yaml-cpp

On Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install libyaml-cpp-dev libre2-dev

The application is compatible with both rebar or rebar3. Add erluap as a rebar dependency to your project:

{deps, [
  {erluap, ".*", {git, "", "master"}},
Update user agents regexes

The file using user agents regular expressions is part of uap-core. In order to update this file you can modify UAP_CORE_REV inside


Parse as records

Records are described in erluap.hrl as follow:

-record(device, {
    device_type   :: device_type(),
    family :: value(),
    model :: value(),
    brand :: value()

-record(agent, {
    family :: value(),
    version_major :: value(),
    version_minor :: value(),
    version_patch :: value(),
    version_patch_minor :: value()

The parsing method returns a tuple as follow {Device::#device{}, Os::#agent{}, Browser::#agent{}} :

erluap:parse(<<"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148">>).

 {agent,<<"Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView">>,null,null,null,null}}
Parse as proplist

There is possible to parse the result as proplist using erluap:parse_as_proplist/1 :

erluap:parse_as_proplist(<<"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 12_2 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148">>).
 {browser,[{family,<<"Mobile Safari UI/WKWebView">>},
Check if a device is a crowler

In order to check if a device is a crowler (spider) you cam check is device family is equal with <<"Spider">> or just use the method erluap:is_spider/1


In order to run the tests just use make ct from project root after you compiled and got the deps using rebar