
Non-blocking server



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Non-blocking server behaviour

Basic template



%% API

%% gen_nbs callbacks

%%% API
start_link() ->
	gen_nbs:start_link(?MODULE, [], []).

%%% gen_nbs callbacks
init([]) ->
	{ok, #{}}.

handle_msg(_Msg, From, State) ->
	Ack = ok,
	{ack, From, Ack, State}.

handle_ack(_Ack, _Tag, State) ->
	{ok, State}.

handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
	{ok, State}.

handle_info(_Info, State) ->
	{ok, State}.

code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
	{ok, State}.

terminate(_Reason, _State) ->

%%% Internal functions

Short description of callbacks

Module:init/1 acts just like gen_server's version.

Module:handle_msg/3 handles incoming messages. Possible returned values are:

  • {ack, From, Ack, State [, Timeout | hibernate]}
  • {fail, From, Reason, State, [, Timeout | hibernate]}
  • {await, Await, State [, Timeout | hibernate]}
  • {ok, State, [, Timeout | hibernate]}
  • {stop, Reason, State}

Module:handle_ack/3 handles responses to outgoing messages. Possible returned values are the same. 'Ack' parameter can be one of the following:

  • {ack, Data} if another process has responded with 'ack'
  • {fail, Reason} if another process has responded with 'fail'
  • {fail, timeout} if timeout of sending message to another process had triggered before another process responded of another process hasn't responded
  • Recursive map for packaged messages

Module:handle_cast/3, Module:handle_info/3, Module:code_change/3 acts just like in gen_server except for returning values the same as shown above.

How to prepare messages

Single message:

gen_nbs:msg(Recepient, Payload)
gen_nbs:msg(Recepient, Payload, CompletionFun)

Prepare a single message with 'Payload' to be sent to the 'Recepient'. 'CompletionFun' can be used to make some actions after response has been received but before 'handle_ack'. It will be called in sender process. Useful for closing connections and so on.


gen_nbs:return(Payload, CompletionFun)

Immediately return a value without sending it anywhere.


gen_nbs:package(Recepient, Msgs)
gen_nbs:package(Recepient, Msgs, CompletionFun)

Prepare a package of messages to be sent to their corrresponding recepients. 'Msgs' is a recursive map where each key is an arbitrary identifier and its corresponding value is an another recursive map of messages or single message or return. 'handle_ack' will be called after all the responses (or timeouts). 'CompletionFun' acts the same way.

How to send messages

There are two ways of sending message.

If current process is a gen_nbs process you can send message this way:

Await = gen_nbs:transmit(Msg, Tag)
Await = gen_nbs:transmit(Msg, Tag, Timeout)

This 'await' value should be given to {await, Await, State} return value of a callback. After the response is received 'handle_ack' will be called with corresponding response and tag. Tag is just any term you can use to identify message.

You can use {await, Awaits, State} with list of awaits then multiple 'handle_ack' will be called each for one await.

If current process is not a gen_nbs process you should use this: gen_nbs:await(Msg)

It blocks until a response is received and return it as a function result.

How to call gen_server from inside the gen_nbs

Use gen_nbs:safe_call to avoid certain pitfalls while calling gen_server from inside the gen_nbs

Miscellaneous examples

handle_msg(load_data, From, Connection) ->
    CompletionFun = fun({ack, Data}) ->
				{ack, jiffy:decode(Data)};
			({fail, Reason}) ->
				{fail, Reason}
	Msg = case Connection of
			undefined ->
				gen_nbs:return({fail, no_connection});
			Connection ->
				gen_nbs:msg(Connection, load_data)
	Tag = {load_tag, From},
	Await = gen_nbs:transmit(Msg, Tag),
	{await, Await, Connection}.

handle_ack({ack, Data}, {load_tag, From}, _Connection) ->
	{ack, From, Data, Connection};
handle_ack({fail, Reason}, {load_msg, From}, _Connection) ->
	io:format("Error ~p while loading data ~n", [Reason]),
	{fail, From, Reason, Connection).

... more examples will be added later