
This is an automatically generated Elixir client library for Factom Harmony Connect. Connect is the fastest way to add blockchain capabilities to your app without cryptocurrencies, wallets, or network nodes. Create an account to get your free API key for the sandbox environment.

blockchain, blockchain-as-a-service, client-library, factom, factom-blockchain, harmony-connect


Factom Harmony Connect - Elixir Client Library

This is an automatically generated Elixir client library for Factom Harmony Connect.

Connect is the fastest way to add blockchain capabilities to your app without cryptocurrencies, wallets, or network nodes. Create an account to get your free API key for the sandbox environment.


This package can be installed by adding harmony_connect_client to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:harmony_connect_client, "~> 0.1.0"}]

Documentation for Endpoints

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/harmony_connect.

You can also view the official documentation online at https://docs.harmony.factom.com

Documentation For Authentication

Authentication for Harmony Connect is handled using API Keys. You can set these keys when you create a new connection to Harmony.


conn = HarmonyConnect.Connection.new(app_id, app_key)

You can also change the Base URL here if you need to use a different level of Connect (Switching from the Sandbox to the Live version of Harmony for example).

conn = HarmonyConnect.Connection.new(alternate_url, app_id, app_key)


For more information, you can view the Connect documentation at https://docs.harmony.factom.com

For additional support, contact us at harmony-support@factom.com