An Elixir library that provides a Broadway producer for handling WebSocket connections using the gun library. It supports ping/pong timeout monitoring, and demand-based message dispatching in an Off-Broadway setup.
- Manages WebSocket connections.
- Monitors WebSocket connections with ping/pong messages and triggers timeouts.
- Integrates seamlessly with Broadway for demand-driven message processing.
Add off_broadway_websocket
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:off_broadway_websocket, "~> 0.0.7"}
Run the following to fetch and compile the dependency:
mix deps.get
mix deps.compile
In your project, create a Broadway module to use the OffBroadwayWebSocket.Producer as the producer.
defmodule MyApp.Broadway do
use Broadway
require Logger
alias Broadway.Message
def start_link(_args) do
name: __MODULE__,
producer: [
module: {
url: "wss://",
path: "/path_to_ws_endpoint",
ws_timeout: 15_000,
ws_opts: %{keepalive: 10_000, silence_pings: false},
http_opts: %{version: :"HTTP/1.1"},
telemetry_id: :custom_telemetry_id,
headers: [ # Optional headers
{"X-ABC-APIKEY", "api-key"},
{"X-ABC-PAYLOAD", %{}},
{"X-ABC-SIGNATURE", "signature"}
transformer: {__MODULE__, :transform, []},
concurrency: 1
processors: [
default: [min_demand: 0, max_demand: 100, concurrency: 8]
@impl true
def handle_message(_processor, %Message{data: raw_message} = message, _context) do
case Jason.decode(raw_message) do
{:ok, %{"type" => "heartbeat"}} ->
Logger.debug("Heartbeat message received.")
{:ok, data} ->"Data received: #{inspect(data)}")
{:error, error} ->
Logger.error("Failed to decode message: #{inspect(error)}")
def transform(event, _opts) do
data: event,
acknowledger: {__MODULE__, :ack_id, :ack_data}
def ack(:ack_id, _successful, _failed) do
- url: The WebSocket URL.
- path: The WebSocket endpoint path.
- ws_timeout: Time in milliseconds to wait for a pong response before assuming the connection is lost.
ws_opts: WebSocket-specific options passed to the gun 2.1 library, such as
. - http_opts: HTTP-specific options also compatible with gun 2.1, including version or custom headers.
- headers: Optional headers to use when upgrading to WebSocket.
telemetry_id: Optional custom identifier for telemetry events. Defaults to :websocket_producer.
Complete list of options accepted by
is available here.
OffBroadwayWebSocket emits telemetry events for key WebSocket operations. These events can be used for monitoring and integration with tools like Prometheus, Datadog, or other observability platforms.
Event Name | Measurements | Metadata | Description |
[:websocket_producer, :connection, :success] |
count: 1 |
url: String |
Emitted when a connection is successfully established. |
[:websocket_producer, :connection, :failure] |
count: 1 |
reason: term() |
Emitted when a connection attempt fails. |
[:websocket_producer, :connection, :disconnected] |
count: 1 |
reason: term() |
Emitted when the WebSocket connection is disconnected. |
[:websocket_producer, :connection, :timeout] |
count: 1 |
(none) | Emitted when a ping/pong timeout occurs. |
[:websocket_producer, :connection, :status] |
value: [0,1] |
(none) | Emitted to indicate the current WebSocket connection status (0 = down, 1 = up). |
You can attach custom handlers to these telemetry events for logging or monitoring purposes. Here's an example:
[:websocket_producer, :connection, :success],
fn event_name, measurements, metadata, _config ->
IO.inspect({event_name, measurements, metadata}, label: "Telemetry Event")
This allows you to customize behavior or integrate the events into observability tools.
To run tests:
mix test
Ensure your WebSocket endpoint is reachable and configured properly for end-to-end tests.
For static analysis with Dialyzer, make sure PLTs are built:
mix dialyzer --plt
mix dialyzer
Feel free to open issues or submit PRs to enhance the functionality of OffBroadwayWebSocket. Contributions are welcome!
This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.