
The generated protobuf modules to Alibaba TableStore Elixir SDK




Alibaba TableStore Service's proto files for Elixir.

How to use:

1, Run brew install protobuf on MacOS or similar command(s) to install protobuf in local.

2, Make sure the "lib" directory of this repo is existed.

mkdir -p lib

3, Use protox as the Elixir protobuf library (protox requires ~> 1.2.4), to generate the modules from protos/*.proto files, in the root directory of this repo run the corresponding command as below:

mix protox.generate --namespace=ExAliyunOts --keep-unknown-fields=false --multiple-files --output-path=lib --include-path=protos protos/*.proto

4, The generated lib/*.ex files will be used by Alibaba TableStore Elixir SDK as a dependence.