
Fast Estimation of Linear Models with IV and High Dimensional Categorical Variables

categorical-variables, clustered-standard-errors, economics, fixed-effects, instrumental-variables, iv, panel-data, regression


FixedEffectModels Coverage Status FixedEffectModels Build Status

This package estimates linear models with high dimensional categorical variables and/or instrumental variables.

Its objective is similar to the Stata command reghdfe and the R command felm(

The package is fast: benchmark

To install the package,



A typical formula is composed of one dependent variable, exogeneous variables, endogeneous variables, instruments, and high dimensional fixed effects

depvar ~ exogeneousvars + (endogeneousvars = instrumentvars) |> absorbvars

High dimensional categorical variables should enter after the |> symbol


reg returns a light object. This allows to estimate multiple models without worrying about memory space. It is simply composed of

  • the vector of coefficients & the covariance matrix
  • a boolean vector reporting rows used in the estimation
  • a set of scalars (number of observations, the degree of freedoms, r2, etc)
  • with the option save = true, a dataframe aligned with the initial dataframe with residuals and, if the model contains high dimensional fixed effects, fixed effects estimates.

Methods such as predict, residuals are still defined but require to specify a dataframe as a second argument. The problematic size of lm and glm models in R or Julia is discussed here, here, here here (and for absurd consequences, here and there).


Similarly to the DataFrames documentation

  • Categorical variable must be of type PooledDataArray.

    using DataFrames, RDatasets, FixedEffectModels
    df = dataset("plm", "Cigar")
    df[:StatePooled] =  pool(df[:State])
    df[:YearPooled] =  pool(df[:Year])
    reg(Sales ~ Price |> StatePooled + YearPooled, df)
    # ===============================================================
    # Number of obs             1380   Degree of freedom           77
    # R2                       0.137   R2 Adjusted              0.085
    # F Stat                 205.989   p-val                    0.000
    # Iterations                   2   Converged:                true
    # ===============================================================
    #        Estimate Std.Error  t value Pr(>|t|) Lower 95% Upper 95%
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # Price  -1.08471 0.0755775 -14.3523    0.000  -1.23298 -0.936445
    # ===============================================================
  • Combine multiple categorical variables with the operator &

    using DataFrames, RDatasets, FixedEffectModels
    df = dataset("plm", "Cigar")
    df[:StatePooled] =  pool(df[:State])
    df[:DecPooled] =  pool(div(df[:Year], 10))
    reg(Sales ~ NDI |> StatePooled&DecPooled, df)
    # =====================================================================
    # Number of obs:               1380   Degree of freedom:            185
    # R2:                         0.923   R2 within:                  0.101
    # F-Statistic:              133.916   p-value:                    0.000
    # Iterations:                     1   Converged:                   true
    # =====================================================================
    #        Estimate   Std.Error  t value Pr(>|t|)   Lower 95%   Upper 95%
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # NDI  -0.0020522 0.000177339 -11.5722    0.000 -0.00240014 -0.00170427
    # =====================================================================
  • In addition to specifying main effects, specify interactions with continuous variables using the & operator:

    using DataFrames, RDatasets, FixedEffectModels
    df = dataset("plm", "Cigar")
    df[:StatePooled] =  pool(df[:State])
    reg(Sales ~ NDI |> StatePooled + StatePooled&Year, df)
    # =====================================================================
    # Number of obs                1380   Degree of freedom              93
    # R2                          0.245   R2 Adjusted                 0.190
    # F Stat                    417.342   p-val                       0.000
    # Iterations                      2   Converged:                   true
    # =====================================================================
    #         Estimate   Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)   Lower 95%   Upper 95%
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # NDI  -0.00568607 0.000278334 -20.429    0.000 -0.00623211 -0.00514003
    # =====================================================================
  • Specify both main effects and an interaction term at once using the * operator:

    using DataFrames, RDatasets, FixedEffectModels
    df = dataset("plm", "Cigar")
    df[:StatePooled] =  pool(df[:State])
    reg(Sales ~ NDI |> StatePooled*Year, df)
    # =====================================================================
    # Number of obs                1380   Degree of freedom              93
    # R2                          0.245   R2 Adjusted                 0.190
    # F Stat                    417.342   p-val                       0.000
    # Iterations                      2   Converged:                   true
    # =====================================================================
    #         Estimate   Std.Error t value Pr(>|t|)   Lower 95%   Upper 95%
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # NDI  -0.00568607 0.000278334 -20.429    0.000 -0.00623211 -0.00514003
    # =====================================================================


Compute robust standard errors by constructing an object of type AbstractVcovMethod. For now, VcovSimple() (default), VcovWhite() and VcovCluster(cols) are implemented.

reg(Sales ~ NDI, df, VcovWhite())
reg(Sales ~ NDI, df, VcovCluster([:StatePooled]))
reg(Sales ~ NDI, df, VcovCluster([:StatePooled, :YearPooled]))

reg also supports weights, subset. Type ?reg to learn about these options.

Solution Method

Denote the model y = X β + D θ + e where X is a matrix with few columns and D is the design matrix from categorical variables. Estimates for β, along with their standard errors, are obtained in two steps:

  1. y, X are regressed on D by one of these methods

    • MINRES on the normal equation with method = :lsmr (with a diagonal preconditioner).
    • sparse factorization with method = :cholesky or method = :qr (using the SuiteSparse library)

    The default method, :lsmr, is faster in most cases. Now, when the design matrix is poorly conditioned, method = :cholesky may be faster.

  2. Estimates for β, along with their standard errors, are obtained by regressing the projected y on the projected X (an application of the Frisch Waugh-Lovell Theorem)

  3. With the option save = true, estimates for the high dimensional fixed effects are obtained after regressing the residuals of the full model minus the residuals of the partialed out models on D

Partial out

partial_out returns the residuals of a set of variables after regressing them on a set of regressors. The syntax is similar to reg - but it accepts multiple dependent variables. It returns a dataframe with as many columns as there are dependent variables and as many rows as the original dataframe. The regression model is estimated on only the rows where none of the dependent variables is missing. With the option add_mean = true, the mean of the initial variable is added to the residuals.

using  RDatasets, DataFrames, FixedEffectModels
df = dataset("plm", "Cigar")
df[:StatePooled] =  pool(df[:State])
df[:YearPooled] =  pool(df[:Year])
result = partial_out(Sales + Price ~ 1|> YearPooled + StatePooled, df, add_mean = true)
#> 1380x2 DataFrame
#> | Row  | Sales   | Price   |
#> |------|---------|---------|
#> | 1    | 107.029 | 69.7684 |
#> | 2    | 112.099 | 70.1641 |
#> | 3    | 113.325 | 69.9445 |
#> | 4    | 110.523 | 70.1401 |
#> | 5    | 109.501 | 69.5184 |
#> | 6    | 104.332 | 71.451  |
#> | 7    | 107.266 | 71.3488 |
#> | 8    | 109.769 | 71.2836 |
#> ⋮
#> | 1372 | 117.975 | 64.5648 |
#> | 1373 | 116.216 | 64.8778 |
#> | 1374 | 117.605 | 68.7996 |
#> | 1375 | 106.281 | 67.0257 |
#> | 1376 | 113.707 | 68.3996 |
#> | 1377 | 115.144 | 63.4974 |
#> | 1378 | 105.099 | 61.1083 |
#> | 1379 | 119.936 | 49.9365 |
#> | 1380 | 122.503 | 57.7017 |

This allows to examine graphically the relation between two variables after partialing out the variation due to control variables. For instance, the relationship between SepalLength seems to be decreasing in SepalWidth in the iris dataset

using  RDatasets, DataFrames, Gadfly, FixedEffectModels
df = dataset("datasets", "iris")
   layer(df, x="SepalWidth", y="SepalLength", Stat.binmean(n=10), Geom.point),
   layer(df, x="SepalWidth", y="SepalLength", Geom.smooth(method=:lm))


But the relationship is actually increasing within species.

   layer(df, x="SepalWidth", y="SepalLength", color = "Species", Stat.binmean(n=10), Geom.point),
   layer(df, x="SepalWidth", y="SepalLength", color = "Species", Geom.smooth(method=:lm))


If there is large number of groups, a better way to visualize this fact is to plot the variables after partialing them out:

result = partial_out(SepalWidth + SepalLength ~ 1|> Species, df, add_mean = true)
using Gadfly
   layer(result, x="SepalWidth", y="SepalLength", Stat.binmean(n=10), Geom.point),
   layer(result, x="SepalWidth", y="SepalLength", Geom.smooth(method=:lm))


The combination of partial_out and Gadfly Stat.binmean is similar to the the Stata program binscatter.


Baum, C. and Schaffer, M. (2013) AVAR: Stata module to perform asymptotic covariance estimation for iid and non-iid data robust to heteroskedasticity, autocorrelation, 1- and 2-way clustering, and common cross-panel autocorrelated disturbances. Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics.

Correia, S. (2014) REGHDFE: Stata module to perform linear or instrumental-variable regression absorbing any number of high-dimensional fixed effects. Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics.

Fong, DC. and Saunders, M. (2011) LSMR: An Iterative Algorithm for Sparse Least-Squares Problems. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Gaure, S. (2013) OLS with Multiple High Dimensional Category Variables. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis

Kleibergen, F, and Paap, R. (2006) Generalized reduced rank tests using the singular value decomposition. Journal of econometrics

Kleibergen, F. and Schaffer, M. (2007) RANKTEST: Stata module to test the rank of a matrix using the Kleibergen-Paap rk statistic. Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics.