
Implementation of SQLiteDriver and SupportSQLiteOpenHelper based on SQLite compiled for WebAssembly

android, emscripten, graalvm, kotlin, room, sqlite, wasm


Wasm SQLite Open Helper

Implementation of SupportSQLiteOpenHelper based on SQLite compiled for WebAssembly.

It can be used to run small Android unit tests using a SQLite database inside the JVM on your host without using an Android emulator or Robolectric framework.


  • Java JVM 21+ when used in unit tests on the host
  • Android API 26+ when executed on an Android device


Release and snapshot versions of the library are published to a temporary repository, since it is highly experimental. File a bug report if you think it could be useful on Maven Central.

Add the following to your project's settings.gradle:

pluginManagement {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url = uri("")
            mavenContent {

You can also download a snapshot of the repository from the Releases section

Add the dependencies:

dependencies {

    // Runtime environment for executing SQLite Wasm code based on GraalVM (Sqlite Embedder)

    // Optional: implementation of the runtime environment based on the Chicory library. 
    // It can be used to execute webassembly code instead of the GraalVM embedder

    // Sqlite WebAssembly binary

    // Sqlite WebAssembly binary (old)


Create Factory using WasmSqliteOpenHelperFactory:

import android.content.Context
import androidx.sqlite.db.SupportSQLiteOpenHelper

val factory : SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.Factory = WasmSqliteOpenHelperFactory(context, GraalvmSqliteEmbedder) {

The created factory can be used either standalone or with Android Room:

db = Room.databaseBuilder(mockContext,, "test")
userDao = db.getUserDao()



WebAssembly embedders

To run WebAssembly code on the JVM, we use an embedder implemented on the GraalWasm WebAssembly Engine. Alternatively, there are two other embedders: one based on Chicory WebAssembly Runtime and another based on the Chasm library.

GraalWasm embedder

GraalWasm is a WebAssembly engine implemented in GraalVM. It can interpret and compile WebAssembly programs in the binary format, or be embedded into other programs. We use it as our primary option for executing WebAssembly code.

Key features:

  • Compatible with Android API 26+ and any JVM JDK 21+.
  • Supports multithreading
  • Under certain conditions, allows JIT compilation for improved performance.


dependencies {

    // Sqlite WebAssembly binary with multithreading enabled 


val factory = WasmSqliteOpenHelperFactory(GraalvmSqliteEmbedder) {
    // Configuration of the Wasm embedder (GraalVM)
    embedder {
        // Instance of the GraalVM WebAssembly engine. Single instance of the Engine can be reused to
        // speed up initialization.
        // See
        graalvmEngine = Engine.create("wasm")

        // Used Sqlite WebAssembly binary file
        sqlite3Binary = SqliteAndroidWasmEmscriptenIcuMtPthread345

Our SqliteOpenHelper implementation leverages the 'Threads and Atomics' and 'Bulk memory operations' WebAssembly extensions to create SQLite connections from different threads.

By default, GraalVM executes code in interpreter mode, which can be slow. However, GraalVM offers runtime optimizations to improve performance. For more details, see this link:

To run tests with runtime optimizations enabled, you can use Gradle toolchains to execute Android unit tests on a compatible GraalVM version.

android {
    testOptions {
        unitTests.all {
            it.javaLauncher = javaToolchains.launcherFor {
                languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(22)
                vendor = JvmVendorSpec.GRAAL_VM

To enable optimizations when running code on OpenJDK or other non-GraalVM runtime, you'll need to use the -XX:+EnableJVMCI option and add the GraalVM compiler to the --upgrade-module-path classpath. This can be tricky to set up with Gradle. Additionally, the GraalVM version used in the project requires JDK 22 or later to run GraalVM Compiler. For an example of how to enable the GraalVM compiler in Android unit tests, take a look at this gist.

You can reuse a single instance of the GraalVM Engine between tests to speed up initialization. Specify the instance using the graalvmEngine parameter in the embedder block when creating the factory. Check this link for more information:

Chicory embedder

Chicory is a zero-dependency, pure Java runtime for WebAssembly.

The embedder implemented on it allows us to execute SQLite WebAssembly with minimal dependencies.

Key Features:

  • Compatible with Android API 26+ and JVM JDK 17+.
  • Simple JVM-only runtime with minimal dependencies.
  • Single-threaded only.

When using this embedder, you must use SQLite compiled without multithreading support.


dependencies {
	// Sqlite WebAssembly binary


val factory = WasmSqliteOpenHelperFactory(ChicorySqliteEmbedder) {
    // Configuration of the Chicory embedder
    embedder {
        sqlite3Binary = SqliteAndroidWasmEmscriptenIcu345

Chasm embedder

Chasm is an experimental WebAssembly runtime built on Kotlin Multiplatform.

Key Features:

  • Kotlin Multiplatform solution.
  • Single threaded only.

The embedder implemented using the Chasm is even more experimental and doesn't work with the latest released version.


dependencies {

    // Sqlite WebAssembly binary


val factory = WasmSqliteOpenHelperFactory(ChasmSqliteEmbedder) {
    // Configuration of the Chasm embedder
    embedder {
        sqlite3Binary = SqliteAndroidWasmEmscriptenIcu345

SQLite binaries

The project uses SQLite with patches from Android AOSP and some WebAssembly extensions. The Build configuration is similar to AOSP's, with multithreading and the Android-specific Localized collator enabled.

The ICU library is statically compiled, resulting in a SQLite binary size of about 30 megabytes. This binary is loaded into RAM during execution, so the RAM requirements are quite high.

You can check the SQLite build configuration in the implementation of the native/ modules.

Now there are two modules with different build configurations are available:

  • sqlite-android-wasm-emscripten-icu-mt-pthread-345: SQLite compiled with multithreading support
  • sqlite-android-wasm-emscripten-icu-345: Single-threaded version


Below is a list of the main customization options:

val factory = WasmSqliteOpenHelperFactory(GraalvmSqliteEmbedder) {
    // Path resolver is used to resolve the database file path on the file system.
    // Not used for in-memory databases.
    pathResolver = DatabasePathResolver { name -> File(dstDir, name) }

    // Logger used to log debug messages from SupportSQLiteOpenHelper.
    // By default, messages are not logged
    logger = Logger

    // Parameters used when opening a database
    openParams {
        // Flags to control database access mode.
        // See
        openFlags = EMPTY

        // Default locale to open the database. Default: en_US
        locale = Locale("ru_RU")

        // Configures lookaside memory allocator
        // If not set, SQLite defaults will be used
            slotSize = 1200,
            slotCount = 100,

        // Sets the journal mode for databases associated with the current database connection
        // The journalMode for an in-memory database is either MEMORY or OFF.
        // By default, TRUNCATE mode will be used if WAL is not enabled. 
        journalMode = WAL

        // Sets the filesystem sync mode
        // The default sync mode will be NORMAL if WAL is enabled, and FULL otherwise.
        syncMode = NORMAL

    // Configuration of the Wasm embedder (GraalVM)
    embedder {
        // Instance of the GraalVM WebAssembly engine. Single instance of the Engine can be reused to
        // speed up initialization.
        // See
        graalvmEngine = Engine.create("wasm")

        // Sets used Sqlite WebAssembly binary file
        sqlite3Binary = Sqlite3Wasm.Emscripten.sqlite3_345_android_icu_mt_pthread

    // Sets the debugging options
    debug {
        // Controls the printing of informational SQL log messages.
        sqlLog = true

        // Controls the printing of SQL statements as they are executed.
        sqlStatements = true

        // Controls the printing of wall-clock time taken to execute SQL statements as they are executed.
        sqlTime = true

        //  True to enable database performance testing instrumentation.
        logSlowQueries = true

        // Value of the "db.log.slow_query_threshold" system property, which can be changed by the user at any time.
        // If the value is zero, then all queries will be considered slow.
        // If the value does not exist or is negative, then no queries will be considered slow.
        slowQueryThresholdProvider = { -1 }

The intended purpose of the library is to be used in unit tests on the host. An example of such a test:

class DatabaseTest {
    // Android Сontext is not used in the wrapper, but is defined in the public interface of
    // the SupportSQLiteOpenHelper. So we use a mock context
    val mockContext = ContextWrapper(null)

    lateinit var tempDir: File

    lateinit var db: TestDatabase
    lateinit var userDao: UserDao

    fun createDb() {
        val openHelperFactory = WasmSqliteOpenHelperFactory(GraalvmSqliteEmbedder) {
            pathResolver = DatabasePathResolver { name -> File(tempDir, name) }

            embedder {
                graalvmEngine = Engine.create("wasm")
                sqlite3Binary = Emscripten.sqlite3_345_android_icu_mt_pthread

            debug {
                sqlTime = true

        db = Room.databaseBuilder(mockContext,, "test")
        userDao = db.getUserDao()

    fun closeDb() {

    fun dbTest() {
        val user: User = TestUtil.createUser(3).apply {
        val byName = userDao.findUsersByName("george")
        assertThat(byName.get(0), equalTo(user))

Development notes

To build the project, you need to have Emscripten SDK installed. Check this link for instructions on installing the SDK.

EMSDK environment variable must point to the root of the installed SDK. Version of the SDK used in the project must be activated (check the emscripten version in gradle/libs.versions.toml).

Alternatively, you can specify the Emscripten SDK root by setting the emsdkRoot project property. You can do this for example in ~/.gradle/


Install and activate the SDK version used in the project (not the latest one):

./emsdk install 3.1.57
./emsdk activate 3.1.57
source ./

The first build may take quite a long time, since the ICU and SQLite libraries are build from source code.


Any type of contributions are welcome. Please see the contribution guide.


These services are licensed under Apache 2.0 License. Authors and contributors are listed in the Authors file.

Copyright 2024 wasm-sqLite-open-helper project authors and contributors.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.