
A luminous warm and calm color palette Java library.

color, color-palette, color-scheme, color-theme, colorscheme, java, lib, library, lumio, palette, theme


A luminous warm and calm color palette Java library.
Implementation of the Lumio project.

Getting started


To use lumio-java, it must be available on your classpath.
You can get it from the Central Repository as a dependency for your favorite build tool or download the latest version.

Apache Maven



compile(group: 'com.arcticicestudio', name: 'lumio-java', version: '0.3.0')

Apache Ivy

<dependency org="com.arcticicestudio" name="lumio-java" rev="0.3.0" />

Development snapshots are available via OSS Sonatype and JFrog Artifactory.


Build and install lumio-java into your local repository without GPG signing:

mvn clean install

Signed artifacts may be build by using the sign-gpg profile with a provided gpg.keyname property:

mvn clean install -Dgpg.keyname=YourGPGKeyId

Continuous integration builds are running at Travis-CI and Circle CI.

Usage Guide

This is a basic guide to show the common usage of the lumio-java API.
The API documentation can be found in the JavaDoc.

The Lumio class is the entry point to the lumio-java API to generate HEX- and RGB color codes.

  1. Generate color code strings
  2. Obtaining the Public API version

Generate color code strings

Color code strings can be generated from all Lumio enum constants by using the static methods hex(Color) and rgb(Color).
The Color object can be obtained from a Lumio enum constant via the get() method.

String hex = Lumio.hex(Lumio.LUMIO0.get()); // "#241C1C"
String rgb = Lumio.rgb(Lumio.LUMIO29.get()); // "rgb(4, 128, 164)"

Obtaining the Public API version

The getVersion() method returns the ArcVer version of the public API.

String version = Lumio.getVersion(); // "0.3.0"



Please report issues/bugs, feature requests and suggestions for improvements to the issue tracker.

Copyright © 2016 Arctic Ice Studio