
Zenon page templates - Java (ZPT-Java) is a Java implementation of Zope Page Templates (ZPT).



Zenon Page Templates - Java (ZPT-Java) is a Java implementation of Zope Page Templates (ZPT).

Zope Page Templates are a web page generation tool. They help programmers and designers collaborate in producing dynamic web pages for Zope web applications. Designers can use them to maintain pages without having to abandon their tools, while preserving the work required to embed those pages in an application.

The goal of Page Templates is to allow designers and programmers to work together easily. A designer can use a WYSIWYG HTML editor to create a template, then a programmer can edit it to make it part of an application. If required, the designer can load the template back into his editor and make further changes to its structure and appearance. By taking reasonable steps to preserve the changes made by the programmer, the designer will not disrupt the application.

Page Templates aim at this goal by adopting three principles:

    - Play nicely with editing tools.
    - What you see is very similar to what you get.
    - Keep code out of templates, except for structural logic.

A Page Template is like a model of the pages that it will generate. In particular, it is parseable by most HTML tools.
(from Zope2 book,

Please, take a look to for more information about ZPT-Java.