
Integration between the Ionic Platform and Microsoft Azure Blob Storage to leverage the Azure Storage SDK with Ionic managed keys.



Machina Tools for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

The Machina Tools for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage integration offers a simple way for developers building atop Microsoft's Azure Storage SDK for Java to invoke Ionic's protection and policy functionality as data moves to and from Azure Blob Storage. This addresses use cases such as migration from on-prem storage solutions, protecting data across multi-region or multi-cloud environments, applying granular cryptographic control, and more.


Java 8 or later. Maven 3.0.0 or later.


This library can be installed to local maven cache with the command mvn install executed from the repository root.


Using the library requires an Azure Storage Account and an Ionic Enrollment. Consult the Setup Guide for details.


An overview of the library can be found here as well as breakdown of the Sample Application. Hosted Javadocs are available at Alternatively they can be generated locally with the command mvn javadoc:javadoc and accessed from 'target/site/apidocs/index.html'.