
Doclet to generate coverage reports of JavaDoc documentation.

coverage, coverage-report, documentation-coverage, gradle, java, javadoc, javadoc-coverage, maven, software-quality


JavaDoc Coverage Maven Plugin Build Status GPL licensed

A Maven plugin to generate JavaDoc coverage reports. It parses the java source files and checks the percentage of the Java code which is covered by JavaDoc documentation, including:

  • modules, packages
  • classes, inner classes, interfaces and enums
  • class attributes
  • methods, parameters, exceptions and return value.

The project provides a Doclet to be used with the JavaDoc Tool and the maven-javadoc-plugin to automate the generation of JavaDoc documentation coverage at your project.

This is a pre-release which currently only shows results on the terminal and doesn't compute documentation coverage percentage yet.

Building the Plugin

The plugin is a Java Maven project which can be built directly from any IDE or using the following maven command:

mvn clean install

That will build the tool and install it at your local maven repository.

How to use the Plugin

The generate the regular JavaDoc HTML files and the coverage reports, you have to include two configurations for the maven-javadoc-plugin inside your project's pom.xml file, as exemplified below.

        <!-- Exports JavaDocs to regular HTML files -->

        <!-- Generates the JavaDoc coverage report -->

Now, to generate the regular JavaDocs in HTML and the documentation coverage report, you can execute the package goal in Maven, using your IDE or the command line inside your project root directory:

mvn clean package

There is a maven sample project where you can test the plugin. Just execute the command above inside the project's directory to see the results.