
A Maven plugin that repeats a plugin while replacing placeholder variables. Used to reduce duplication within the POM.

dry, macro, maven, plugin, template, xml


Plugin repeater maven plugin Build Status Maven Central

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The plugin repeater maven plugin allows you to follow the DRY principal when writing your POM files.

If you've ever had to write a very similar plugin execution dozens of times then this is the plugin for you.

The plugin repeater plugin lets you repeat a plugin execution with different variables substituted.

All the examples in this README assume that we have a fictional plugin, adder-maven-plugin, that adds numbers. Anywhere you see <!-- Boilerplate omitted --> means that we've left out the plugin GAV as well as any tags that aren't necessary. This may mean it is in the contentPlugin section of a repeater plugin configuration or a plugin inside a pom's plugins section. The context should provide that information for you.

Simple Example

Say we wanted to add 5 sets of two numbers. Normally you'd have to write something like this:


With the plugin repeater maven plugin you can just write:

    <!-- Check maven central for latest version -->
                    <!-- Each repetition corresponds to a single run of contentPlugin -->
                    <!-- The values mapped in the repetition are subbed in @ surrounded tags -->
                                <!-- Every goal will be run. -->
                                <!-- the adder-maven-plugin only has one goal -->
                            <!-- NOTE: Due to a limitation of the maven plugin API -->
                            <!-- this doesn't support the phase tag. All the executions -->
                            <!-- are run in the same phase as your plugin-repeator-maven-plugin -->
                                <!-- These @ surrounded variables are replaced with their -->
                                <!-- corresponding values during each repetition. -->

Default Variable Groups

If you have some repetitions that all use a certain variable with a certain value, except 1, you'd have to repeat that variable in the repetitions (violating the DRY principal). Fear not! We have thought of this, and added a feature called repetitionGroups that allow you to set defaults for certain repetitions, and override it for others.

Here is an example:

<!-- Boilerplate omitted -->
                <!-- Here we set a default for 'nOne'. -->
                <!-- If any repetitions nested inside this repetitionGroup -->
                <!-- *don't* declare 'nOne', it will be supplied by the most recent default. -->
                <!-- In this case that is the top level repetition group, and 2. -->
        <!-- Same as before ... -->

which is equivalent to:

<!-- Boilerplate omitted -->
        <!-- NOTE: even though these have the same execution ID -->
        <!-- they will all be run inside the plugin-repeater-maven-plugin -->

You can even nest these as deeply as you want!

<!-- Boilerplate omitted -->
        <!-- Same as before ... -->

is equivalent to:

<!-- Boilerplate omitted -->
Small gotcha

Due to limitations on maven's XML, you cannot currently do something like this:

<!-- Boilerplate omitted -->
                    <!-- neither of the following tags will be recognized! -->
                    <!-- Even though they are unambiguous in terms of their intention -->
        <!-- Same as before ... -->

Conditional XML Inclusion

The plugin-repeater-maven-plugin also supports conditional inclusion of XML for content plugins. Currently you can only make the decision based on whether a filter variable is defined for the current repetition or not.

In order to conditionally include a tag, myTag inside the configuration of your content plugin you can do the following:

    <myTag if="myVar">@myVar@</myTag>

This includes <myTag>myVarValue</myTag> if myVar has a definition for the current repetition. An important note for this is that a failed condition excludes everything within the failing tag. Any nested XML tags will also be excluded as well as any attributes or string contents.

The plugin-repeater-maven-plugin also supports the unless attribute.

Here is a toy usage:

<!-- Boilerplate omitted -->
                        <numberOne if="nOne">@nOne@</numberOne>
                        <numberOne unless="nOne">0</numberOne>

which equivalent to:

<!-- Boilerplate omitted -->