
A library that gives you access to the powerful Parse cloud platform from your Android app.

android, hacktoberfest, parse, parse-android, parse-platform, sdk


Parse SDK for Android

Bintray License

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A library that gives you access to the powerful Parse cloud platform from your Android app. For more information about Parse and its features, see the website, blog and getting started.

Getting Started


  • Option 1: Gradle

    Add dependency to the application level build.gradle file.

    ext {
      parseVersion = "1.17.3"
    dependencies {
      implementation "com.parse:parse-android:$parseVersion"
      // Add for push notification support -- add FCM or GCM but not both.
      implementation "com.parse:parse-fcm-android:$parseVersion" // migrate to FCM
      // implementation "com.parse:parse-gcm-android:$parseVersion" // deprecated GCM support

    Migrating to Firebase

    If you are upgrading from a previous Parse SDK version and rely on push notifications, it is highly recommended you migrate to Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) since Google has announced it will be deprecated in April 2019. To migrate to FCM, you will only need to make changes to the client. No changes are needed on the Parse Server side.

    Verify you have done the following:

    • Added app to Firebase console.

    • Added the Gradle plugin (see setup guide)

      buildscript {
          // ...
          dependencies {
              // ...
              classpath '' // google-services plugin
      allprojects {
          // ...
          repositories {
              // ...
              maven {
                  google() // Google's Maven repository
    • Downloaded and added google-services.json to your app/ dir from your Firebase app.

    • Added ParseFirebaseInstanceIdService and ParseFirebaseMessagingService to your AndroidManifest.xml file (see docs)

    • Removed GcmBroadcastReceiver, PushService, com.parse.push.gcm_sender_id if upgrading from GCM.

    Assuming these major steps are done, adding the parse-fcm-android package will automatically instantiate a ParseFirebaseJobService that will register for a FCM token when the app starts. See the setup instructions below to verify that FCM registration works.

    One additional change you should make on the Parse server side configuration is to add an fcm key that matches your existing android senderId and apiKey. This will ensure full compatibility of FCM should the Firebase HTTP v1 be added in the future.

    push: {
      android: {
        apiKey: '' // The Server API Key
      fcm: {
        apiKey: '' // The Server API Key
  • Option 2: Compiling for yourself into AAR file

    If you want to manually compile the SDK, begin by cloning the repository locally or retrieving the source code for a particular release. Open the project in Android Studio and run the following commands in the Terminal of Android Studio:

    ./gradlew clean build

    Output file can be found in Parse/build/outputs/ with extension .aar

    You can link to your project to your AAR file as you please.


Initialize Parse in a custom class that extends Application:

  import com.parse.Parse;

  public class App extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {

      // Remove for production, use to verify FCM is working
      // Look for ParseFCM: FCM registration success messages in Logcat to confirm.

      Parse.initialize(new Parse.Configuration.Builder(this)

The custom Application class must be registered in AndroidManifest.xml:



Everything can done through the supplied gradle wrapper:

Run the Tests

./gradlew clean testDebug

Results can be found in Parse/build/reports/

Get Code Coverage Reports

./gradlew clean jacocoTestReport

Results can be found in Parse/build/reports/


Snapshots of the development version can be obtained by using Jitpack:

Add the Maven link in your root build.gradle file:

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }

Add the dependency to your app/build.gradle:

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.parse-community:Parse-SDK-Android:master-SNAPSHOT'

How Do I Contribute?

We want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible. Please refer to the Contribution Guidelines.

Other Parse Projects


Copyright (c) 2015-present, Parse, LLC.
All rights reserved.

This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.

As of April 5, 2017, Parse, LLC has transferred this code to the parse-community organization, and will no longer be contributing to or distributing this code.