
The missing bits for Scala-Swing (additional components and methods)




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SwingPlus tries to fill in the holes left behind by Scala-Swing. From missing .width and .height methods to missing components such as Spinner to additional components such GroupPanel.

SwingPlus is (C)opyright 2013–2020 Hanns Holger Rutz and released under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1+ and comes with absolutely no warranties. To contact the author, send an email to contact at

It contains some classes (e.g. ComboBox) derived from the original Scala-Swing package, (C)opyright 2007-2013, LAMP/EPFL, which was released under a BSD style license.

requirements / installation

This project builds with sbt against Scala 2.13, 2.12, Dotty.

To use the library in your project:

"de.sciss" %% "swingplus" % v

The current version v is "0.5.0"


Please see the file


All classes and methods reside in package de.sciss.swingplus.

additional standard components

  • GroupPanel is a panel with a group-layout. I departed from Andreas Flierl's approach and simplified or changed the API, reducing the amount of complex conversions. I think I have arrived at a reasonable simple to use component.
  • OverlayPanel is a panel with an overlay-layout.
  • ToolBar wraps the corresponding javax component.
  • Separator wraps the corresponding javax component.
  • Spinner wraps the corresponding javax component. Currently it still relies on javax's SpinnerModel. A future version might seem a more Scala'ish wrapper for the model, too.
  • PopupMenu wraps the corresponding javax component. Note that Scala 2.11 does have a popup menu now, but you can use this one for compatibility between Scala 2.10 and 2.11.
  • ComboBox does away with the Scala-Swing version that has problems compiling under JDK 7 due to the retrofitting of generics in Swing. It achieves this by hiding the peer type, at the same time adding a few missing methods and therefore making it usually unnecessary to gain access to the JComboBox peer type. I have also added a proper Model wrapper.
  • ListView has the same problem as ComboBox in standard Scala-Swing. The version provided here is also usable in project that want to allows compilation both in JDK 6 and 7. It also has a proper Model wrapper. Note that it fires events in swingplus.event instead of scala.swing.event.
  • ScrollBar fixes the Scala-Swing version by dispatching ValueChanged events.
  • DropMode is a type-safe enumeration wrapping the javax constants. It is currently used for the ListView.

additional utility components

  • DoClickAction is an action that causes a visual button press
  • Labeled is a useful class for presenting fully typed objects in a combo-box, providing an alternative string representation
  • PaddedIcon adds an extra margin to an existing Icon
  • SpinningProgressBar is a small indefinite progress bar that can be hidden. Some look-and-feels (e.g. Aqua) support rendering a spinning icon instead of a bar.
  • SpinnerComboBox is a combo-box with a Spinner for editing numbers.

extension methods

They are imported through swingplus.Implicits._.

  • UIElement. Methods width and height are provided, so one does not have to create a Dimension via size first.
  • Component. Method baseline is provided. This is currently using the Int type of javax. A future version might use a type-safe enumeration instead. Method clientProps creates a lightweight wrapper for the component's client properties, providing a subset of methods familiar from Scala's collection.mutable.Map.
  • Frame. Method defaultCloseOperation is provided with the type-safe enumeration type CloseOperation.
  • Action.wrap allows one to wrap a javax Action as a Scala-Swing Action.


Please also check out the ScalaSwingContrib project which has similar goals.

Also check out the TreeTable project which provides a very powerful component, combining tree and table. Ideally this will also go into the mix, but API needs to be properly developed and should negotiate common interface with Ken Scambler's tree implementation.

Finally, there is Desktop, which aims rather at an application framework based on Swing.