
A processor for the @AutoSerialize annotation




A tiny serialization framework for Java.

  • Simple, composable serializer interface with little fuzz.
  • Optionally remove boilerplate through reflection-free annotation processing.
  • No static components, the framework uses an instance of SerializerFramework as its main contact point. See the Setup section.
  • Works great with immutable objects.



Add tiny-serializer-core as a dependency to your project, and tiny-serializer-api as a dependency to your public API (if you have any).

You can find the latest version in maven central.


TinySerializer should be setup using the provided builder class.

The easiest possible setup would look like the following.


There are quite a few configuration options available in the builder.


Serialization Format

TinySerializer is not intended to be used as a well-established, general-purpose serialization format.

It provides a framework to build a specific serialization on top of.

This can be useful if you have some data in an application that needs to be serialized to disk, or if you have to components of the same application needing to communicate over the network (provide the serializer implementation as a separate library).

Other than that, the project aims that within a major version, same builder configuration will generate the same wire-format. The builder, and API types will be subject to versioning guarantees as-per semantic versioning.

Stronger guarantees might be possible in the future by providing special-purpose serialization implementations of SerializerFramework.

As it stands right now, what I've done here is take a pattern I implement very frequently by hand, and make it as convenient as possible.

Basic serialization

The simplest possible example would like like the following.

public class Example {
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
        final SerializerFramework f = TinySerializer.builder().build();
        final Serializer<String> string = f.string();

        // helper method
        final byte[] message = f.serialize(string, "Hello");
        System.out.println(f.deserialize(string, message));

At the core all serializers implement Serializer<T>, where T is the type of the value being serialized.

Serialization happens through two methods, Serializer#serialize(SerialWriter, T), and T Serializer#deserialzie(SerialReader).

The instance of a Serializer must be completely thread-safe, the easiest way to accomplishing this is to make it stateless.

SerialReader and SerialWriter are the two primary I/O interfaces, they perform reading and writing respectively.

The bundled implementations of these can be found in

How to implement your own is documented further down in Implementing a Writer/Reader.


Serializing Values

The following methods give access to primitive serializers.

  • Serializer<Boolean> #bool()
  • Serializer<Short> #shortNumber()
  • Serializer<Integer> #integer()
  • Serializer<Long> #longNumber()
  • Serializer<Float> #floatNumber()
  • Serializer<Double> #doubleNumber()

Other serializers include.

  • Serializer<String> #string(Serializer<T>)
  • Serializer<List<T>> #list(Serializer<T>)
  • Serializer<Map<K, V>> #map(Serializer<K>, Serializer<V>)
  • Serializer<SortedMap<K, V>> #sortedMap(Serializer<K>, Serializer<V>)
  • Serializer<Set<T>> #set(Serializer<T>)
  • Serializer<SortedSet<T>> #sortedSet(Serializer<T>)

byte is omitted since it is part of the I/O abstraction.

char is omitted since I haven't had use for it yet, they typically come in strings for which there are TinySerializer#string().


Implementing a Serial{Reader|Writer}

SerialReader and SerialWriter are the two primary I/O interfaces, they perform reading and writing respectively.

To implement a custom SerialWriter, use the available AbstractSerialWriter as a base.

To implement a custom SerialReader, use the available AbstractSerialReader as a base.


Generated Serializers

This project provides an annotation processor (tiny-serializer-processor) intended to make Object graph serialization easier.

The processor looks for classes annotated with @AutoSerialize, like the following.

class Person {
    private final String name;
    private final Optional<Job> job;

    public Person(String name, Optional<Job> job) { = name;
        this.job = job;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public Optional<Job> getJob() {
        return job;

Note: Job is assumed here to be another type annotated with @AutoSerialize.

Which in turn would generated a serializer named Person_Serializer, like the following.

class Person_Serializer implements Serializer<Person> {
    private final Serializer<String> s_String;
    private final Serializer<Optional<Job>> s_OptionalJob;

    public Person_Serializer(final SerializerFramework framework) {
        s_String = framework.string();
        s_OptionalJob = framework.optional(new Job_Serializer(framework));

    public void serialize(SerialWriter buffer, Person person) {
        s_String.serialize(buffer, person.getName());
        s_OptionalJob.serialize(buffer, person.getJob());

    public Person deserialize(SerialWriter buffer) {
        final String v_name = s_String.deserialize(buffer);
        final Optional<Job> v_job = s_OptionalJob.deserialize(buffer);
        return new Person(v_name, v_job);


In order to enable annotation processing, add a dependency to the processor and api artifact.



Any class that you annotate with @AutoSerialize should now have a serializer built for it.

The processor will only process top-level classes, and the produced serializers will be named <Original>_Serializer.

For many examples, see annotation processing test cases


Providers are supported by annotating a field with @AutoSerialize.Field(provided = true). This will cause the serializer to be generated with additional constructor parameters, expecting a provided implementation.


Controlling Accessor

The accessor to use to fetch the value of a field can be controlled with @AutoSerialize.Field(accessor = <name>).

This will cause the generated serializer to use a method called <name> when fetching the value for that field.

Ignoring Fields

Fields can be ignored using the @AutoSerialize.Ignore annotation.

Immutable Collections

TinySerializer can be configured to use (guava) immutable collections when building collection-oriented serializers. Take note that this does not mean that the serializer guarantees that the input collection is immutable, only that the collections produced by the framework are.

You accomplish this by using the #useImmutableCollections(boolean) configuration on the builder, like the following.


Due to tiny-serializer-core not depending on guava, this is something that you will have to add to your project in order for this to work, otherwise it will throw an exception at configuration time.



Immutable Objects

Immutable objects are notoriously hard to automatically serialize.

Most complications comes out of the fact that it needs to be constructed and traditionally very little field information is available to correlated with the available constructor about how this can be achieved.

Consider the following example.

public class SerializableObject {
    final int a;
    final int b;

    public SerializableObject(int c, int b) {
        this.a = b;
        this.b = c;

We can see that there is a constructor available for this immutable type, but figuring this out programmatically is a whole other level.

  • We have a constructor that matches purely by the field type (int), but the order in which the field are assigned is wrong.
  • The parameters have misleading, or non-existing names.

TinySerializer uses two strategies for handling this.

Implicit use of Constructor

The default strategy which involves blindly taking all the fields, and mashing them in the discovered order into the constructor.

This works pretty good because the the annotation processing happens early in the compiler, causing it to be able to verify that at least a matching signature is available.

It also meshes very well with lombok's @RequiredFieldConstructor.

Earlier version of Eclipse have a fundamental issue in that the AST provided to the processor does not guarantee that fields are exposed in the same order at which they are defined (see this bug). This should have been resolved in Eclipse 3.5.

If you are unable to upgrade eclipse you can combat the problem with the @AutoSerialize.Field(id = <int>) annotation, where the default strategy will be to order the fields according to the value of this field and use the matching constructor.


Builder Types

The serialized object can specify a builder type through @AutoSerialize.Builder.

If specified, all field construction will be delegated to the specified builder.

The following is an example using lombok's @Builder.

@AutoSerialize(builder = @AutoSerialize.Builder())
public class LombokSerializedObject {
    public int version;
    public String field;
    public Map<String, String> map;
    public List<String> someStrings;

Note: This should only be used as an example, lombok's @Data annotation already generates a suitable constructor which provides @AutoSerialize with the means to construct a new instance.

The following is an example using @AutoMatter.

@AutoSerialize(builder = @AutoSerialize.Builder(type = AutoMatterSerializedObjectBuilder.class))
public interface AutoMatterSerializedObject {
    public int version();
    public String field();
    public Map<String, String> map();
    public List<String> someStrings();



Due to the very explicit nature of TinySerializer, you can expect it thrive when it comes to serialization performance.

Included in this project is a performance testing module built using JMH, it can be run by doing the following.

$ mvn -P extra clean package
$ java -jar tiny-serializer-perftests/target/benchmarks.jar -bm sample -bu ns

The suite runs tests with the following profiles.

  • #testSerializeToNull which performs serialization against an OutputStream that has a no-op implementation.
  • #testSerializeToMemory which performs serialization against a ByteArrayOutputStream.
  • #testDeserializeFromMemory which performs deserialization from a previously serialized object in-memory.

TinySerializer performance is being compared against the following frameworks.