This is for Android Toast.
As you know android.widget.toast is dependence on OS NotificationManager. But after API-19(Android KitKat), Our users can close app Notification Permission. Then our toast cannot show any message~
I use a Dialog on the TopActivity to show toast.
How to Use It?
Add gradle dependence
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'com.chavinchen:itoast:1.0.1'
Use in Project
Use can use IToast to show toast , just like use android.widget.Toast, eg:
IToast.makeText(context, message, IToast.DURATION.SHORT).show();
And also we have a no-repeat toast util which has more easily API, but first we need init it first: You can init it in YourApplication#onCreate like this:
IToastUtil.init(getApplicationContext(), IToast.STRATEGY.CUSTOM_FIRST, new IToast.AppController() {
public FragmentActivity getTopActivity() {
// FIXME Here you need return Top Activity
return null;
there are three arguments:
- context,
- the strategy tell IToast use custom toast first or android toast first,
- when android toast can't show (IToast can know it in runtime) We need a top activity to show dialog instead,
Of course you can write a better util based on IToast, so IToast give you another way to init:
IToast.setup(IToast.STRATEGY.ANDROID_FIRST, new IToast.AppController() {
public FragmentActivity getTopActivity() {
// FIXME Here you need return Top Activity
return null;
Then you can show toast like this:
IToastUtil.showShort("Hello I am Chavin :)");
the above.