
some extension for the hbase orm library



HBase ORM Extensions


Some extensions for the nice hbase-orm library, you can find the library here: hbase-orm

This was primarily developed to be used with big table.


This library provides a simple way to horizontally scale your hbase/bigtable row by simply annotating a corresponding member variable of your pojo class. Example:

public class Dependents implements Serializable {
    private Integer dependId;

@HBTable(name = "citizens", families = {@Family(name = "main"), @Family(name = "optional", versions = 10)})
public class Citizen implements HBRecord<String> {
    private static final String ROWKEY_DELIMITER = "#";
    private String citizenId;
    @HBDynamicColumn(family = "dependents", qualifierField = "dependId")
    private List<Dependents> dependents; 

This will automatically store all Dependents in the list member variable dependents in the hbase table citizens using the following column qualifiers:

- dependents:dependId#1234
- dependents:dependId#9876
- dependents:dependId#952


Licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this product or it's source code except in compliance with the License.