
Practical aggregate programming, hosted in Java




Java-hosted execution of Protelis programs.



Protelis requires Java 8+ in order to run.

Using Protelis in your project

We suggest using Gradle, Maven or a similar system to deal with dependencies within your project. In this case, you can use Protelis (and all of its dependencies) by importing the following Maven dependency:


or the following Gradle dependency:

compile 'org.protelis:protelis:VERSION_YOU_WANT_TO_USE'

Alternatively, you can download the latest jar and place it in your classpath. In this case, be sure to include the dependencies of this project in your classpath.

Generating documentation for Protelis code

The Gradle plugin org.protelis.protelisdoc can be used for generating documentation from Protelis code.

Eclipse plug-in

An Eclipse plug-in is available for easing the code writing. To install it, open the marketplace and search for "Protelis". You will be proposed four versions. Two of them are legacy, Java 7 compatible versions. One is the development version which may be unstable. We recommend using the stable version, whose name is just "Protelis" with no other specification.


Javadoc for the Protelis components is available here. If you instead want Javadoc-style documentation for the Protelis-lang library, shipped with the default distribution, you can find it on a separate website The documentation for any specific version of this library is released on Maven Central along with the code and the compiled jar file. As a consequence, it should be available on Latest build documentation (for working builds) is available for both the Protelis distribution and the Protelis-lang library

Build Status

Build Status

Notes for Developers

Importing the project

The project has been developed using Eclipse, and can be easily imported in such IDE. Being a plain Gradle project, it can be imported smoothly in any other IDE supporting Gradle, e.g. IntelliJ Idea.

Recommended configuration

  • Download the latest Eclipse for Java SE developers. Arch Linux users can use the package extra/eclipse-java, which is rather up-to-date.
    • The minimum version required for a smooth import is Eclipse 2019-06, which integrates Gradle Buildship
    • Previous Eclipse versions might be okay, provided that the Gradle Buildship plugin is installed
  • Optionally, but recommended, install the following plugins from the marketplace:
    • Checkstyle
    • Spotbugs
    • PMD
  • Set the line delimiter to LF (only for Windows users)
    • In Eclipse, click window -> preferences
    • In the search form enter "encoding", then press Enter
    • Go to General -> Workspace
    • In the section "New text file line delimiter" check "Other" and choose Unix
    • Apply
  • Use space instead of tabs
    • In Eclipse, click window -> preferences
    • Go to General -> Editors -> Text Editors
    • Check "insert spaces for tabs" option.
    • Apply.
    • Go to Java -> Code style -> Formatter
    • Click Edit button
    • In Indentation tab, under "General Settings", set "tab policy" to "Spaces only"
    • Apply (you should probably rename the formatter settings).

Style rules are checked and enforced by the Gradle build system, so if you plan to contribute make sure you adhere.

Import Procedure

  • Install git on your system, if you haven't yet
  • Pull up a terminal, and cd to the folder where you want the project to be cloned (presumably, your Eclipse workspace)
  • Clone the project with git clone
    • If you are a Windows user, you might find easier to import via HTTPS: git clone
  • Click File -> Import -> Gradle -> Gradle Project -> Next
  • Select the project root directory.
  • Next
  • Make sure that "Gradle wrapper (recommended)" is selected
  • Next
  • Wait for Eclipse to scan the project.
  • Finish
  • When (and if) asked about the existing Eclipse configuration, select "Keep" (so that all the default development options are imported)
  • The projects will appear in your projects list.
  • Checkstyle, PMD and FindBugs should be pre-configured.
  • If you get errors due to missing dependencies, right click on the project, select Gradle -> Refresh Gradle Project.

Developing the project

Contributions to this project are welcome. To ensure that your contribution is incorporated quickly, we request that you follow the following coding best practices:

  1. We use git flow, so if you write new features, please do so in a separate feature- branch.
  2. We recommend forking the project, developing your stuff, then contributing back via pull request directly from GitHub
  3. Commit often. Do not send pull requests with a single giant commit adding or changing the massive amounts at once, as this is likely to have conflicts with other work. Split it in multiple commits and request a merge to the main line often.
  4. Do not introduce low quality code. All new code should comply with checker rules (which are quite strict) and should not introduce other warnings. Resolution of existing warnings (if any are currently present) is very welcome.

Building the project

While developing, you can rely on Eclipse to build the project, it will generally do a very good job. If you want to generate the artifacts, you can rely on Gradle. Just point a terminal on the project's root and issue

./gradlew build

This will trigger the creation of the artifacts the executions of the tests, the generation of the documentation and of the project reports.

Release numbers explained

We release often. We are not scared of high version numbers, as they are just numbers in the end. We use a three level numbering, following the model of Semantic Versioning:

  • Update of the minor number: there are some small changes, and no backwards compatibility is broken. More particularly, it should be the case that any project that depends on this one should have no problem compiling or running. Raise the minor version if there is just a bug fix or a code improvement, such that no interface, constructor, or non-private member of a class is modified either in syntax or in semantics. Also, no new classes should be provided.
    • Example: switch from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 after improving how an error condition is reported
  • Update of the middle number: there are changes that should not break any backwards compatibility, but the possibility exists. Raise the middle version number if there is a remote probability that projects that depend upon this one may have problems compiling if they update. For instance, if you have added a new class, since a depending project may have already defined it, that is enough to trigger a mid-number change. Also updating the version ranges of a dependency, or adding a new dependency, should cause the mid-number to raise. As for minor numbers, no changes to interfaces, constructors or non-private member of classes are allowed, except for adding new methods. If mid-number is update, minor number should be reset to 0.
    • Example: switch from 1.2.3 to 1.3.0 after adding new methods for computing with Tuples.
  • Update of the major number: non-backwards-compatible change. If a change in interfaces, constructors, or public member of some class has happened, a new major number should be issued. This is also the case if the semantics of some method has changed. In general, if there is a high probability that projects depending upon this one may experience compile-time or run-time issues if they switch to the new version, then a new major number should be adopted. If the major version number is upgraded, the mid and minor numbers should be reset to 0.
    • Example: switch from 1.2.3 to 2.0.0 after changing the interface for parsing programs.