
JML: Library to ease routing and transforming of JMS messages




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GuiceyLoops is a minimalistic library for aiding the testing of JEE applications using Guice. The library add some type listeners that are aware of the JEE annotations such as @EJB, @Resource, @WebServiceRef and @PersistenceContext so that fields marked with these annotations will be injected in a Guice container.

The simplest way to use the library is to add the JEETestingModule as well as any modules required to provide resources used in the test (i.e. an EntityManager module) as well as any module that defines the components under test into one injector and access the components under test from specified module. i.e.

  Injector injector =
    Guice.createInjector( new MyTestModule(),
                          new MyEntityManagerModule(),
                          new JEETestingModule() );

  MyEJBService objectToTest = injector.getInstance( MyEJBService.class );