
WebJar for timer.jquery

countdown, demo, duration, jquery, jquery-timer, timer-displays, timer-plugin


jQuery Timer plugin

  • Lightweight, well tested Build Status jQuery pretty timer plugin
  • Start, Pause, Resume and Remove a timer inside any HTML element.
  • Get notified after specific time or at regular intervals.
  • Click and edit time while timer is running!

Demo & Instructions | Download

How to use

In your web page:

<script src="path/to/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="path/to/timer.jquery.js"></script>
(function($) {

  //start a timer


Usage Instructions

To start a timer with options:


Options for timer:

    seconds:    {Int},      // The number of seconds to start the timer from
    duration:   {String},   // The time to countdown from. `seconds` and `duration` are mutually exclusive
    callback:   {Function}, // If duration is set, this function is called after `duration` has elapsed
    repeat:     {Bool},     // If duration is set, `callback` will be called repeatedly
    format:     {String}    // Format to show time in
Duration Syntax

When you initialize a timer with the duration and callback parameters, the timer plugin executes the callback function at the set duration. The syntax for specifying the duration is verbose. h for hours. m for minutes and s for seconds. Here are some examples:

'3h15m'     // 3 hours, 15 minutes
'15m'       // 15 minutes
'30s'       // 30 seconds
'2m30s'     // 2 minutes 30 seconds
'2h15m30s'  // 2 hours 15 minutes and 30 seconds
Format Syntax

By default the timer displays the biggest whole unit. Examples:

  • seconds: 50 will show as 50 sec
  • seconds: 63 will show as 1:03 min
  • seconds: 3663 will show as 1:01:03

If you want to customize the format in which the timer displays time, use the format option. Available formats the timer understands are:

Format Description Example
%h Non-zero padded Hours %h hours gives 3 hours
%m Non-zero padded Minutes unless number of minutes is greater than 60 %h:%m minutes gives 0:6 minutes or 1:06 minutes
%s Non-zero padded Seconds unless number of seconds is greater than 60 %h:%m:%s gives 0:0:6 or 0:1:06 or 1:01:06
%H Zero padded Hours %H hours gives 03 hours
%M Zero padded Minutes %H:%M minutes gives 00:06 minutes
%S Zero padded Seconds %H:%M:%S gives 00:00:06

Methods available on an initialized timer:

//pause an existing timer

//resume a paused timer

//remove an existing timer
$("#div-id").timer('remove');  //leaves the display intact

//get elapsed time in seconds

Timed Events

Start a timer and execute a function after a certain duration. You can use this to simulate a timed event.

//start a timer & execute a function in 5 minutes & 30 seconds
    duration: '5m30s',
    callback: function() {
        alert('Time up!');

Start a timer and execute a function repeatedly at a certain duration.

//start a timer & execute a function every 2 minutes
    duration: '2m',
    callback: function() {
        alert('Why, Hello there');  //you could have a ajax call here instead
    repeat: true //repeatedly calls the callback you specify

Start a timer and execute a function repeatedly at a certain duration and then reset the timer.

//start a timer & execute a function every 2 minutes
    duration: '2m',
    callback: function() {
    repeat: true //repeatedly calls the callback you specify

Timer state

You can get the current state of timer by querying the state property on it's data object

$('#div-id').data('state');     // running | paused | stopped