



Easy Starter: Base Integration Libraries for Java

Easy Starter is a base integration library for java, it consists of a set of core easy-components and selected third base libraries of appropriate versions.

Core easy-components includes:

  • easy-annotations: defines core annotations, some of them are optimized from jsr305;

  • easy-common: base component for easy-starter. It encapsulates common operation for array, bean, builder, bytecode, cache, collection, exception, lang, provider, proxy, reflect, shell, state, string, time, etc.;

  • easy-jni: provides jni operation;

  • easy-test: provides assistant tools for testing.

We do not recommend that use those components directly, instead, by starters:

  • easy-starter: include core functionalities, in most cases just only import it to meeting requirements.

  • easy-starter-parent: it is a bom, used for dependencies management of easy projects. If you need more than one easy-components, use it.

  • easy-starter-test: provides convenient functionalities for testing, adds support for kotlin.

There are also selected third base libraries in it to directly use:

Getting Started

Simply directly to use from maven or gradle:


Typically, we use easy-bom as dependency manager:


User Guide

Futures of easy-starter:


There are a set of annotations to help us build a well-convention project:

  • DefaultNonNull / DefaultNullable: indicates all parameters, variables, fields or other type or objects are non-null/null default, usually used in This annotation extends Nonnull of jsr305, and IDE such as IDEA can recognize it;

  • NonNull / Nullable: indicates a parameter, variable, field or other type or object is non-null/null. This annotation extends Nonnull of jsr305, and IDE such as IDEA can recognize it;

  • Written / WrittenReturn: indicates the parameter may be written (and as return value for Return);

  • Immutable: indicates the class annotated is immutable and thread-safe;

  • ThreadSafe: indicates the class annotated is thread-safe;

  • ThreadSafeDependOn: indicates whether annotated class is thread-safe depends on its dependent class, code of annotated class itself is thread-safe;

  • ReturnTreadSafe / ReturnTreadSafeDependOn: indicates return value of annotated method is thread-safe or tread-safe-depend-on;

  • StaticThreadSafe / StaticThreadSafeDependOn: indicates static methods of annotated class are thread-safe or tread-safe-depend-on. Note this is default.


Bean package provides powerful bean operation ability. For a quick example, assume three class like:

public static class A {
    private String stringProperty;
    private int intProperty;
    private String dateProperty;
    private Map<? super Integer, List<? extends String>> map;
    private C<String> c;

    // getters and setterd...

public static class B {
    private int stringProperty;
    private String intProperty;
    private LocalDateTime dateProperty;
    private Map<? extends String, List<? extends Integer>> map;
    private C<Integer> c;

    // getters and setterd...

public static class C<T> {
    private T t;

    // getters and setterd...

If we want to copy properties from A to B, BeanUtils.copyProperties is invalid because types (include generic types) are different between same-name-properties. However, use BeanHelper, we can pass it:

    A a = new A();
    Map<? super Integer, List<? extends String>> map = new HashMap<>();
    map.put(8, Arrays.asList("8", "9", "10"));
    C<String> c = new C<>();

    B b = new B();
    // BeanUtils.copyProperties(a, b) is invalid!
    BeanHelper.copyProperties(a, b);

BeanHelper use default implementation of BeanOperator, so above codes are equivalent to:

    // Same with BeanHelper.copyProperties(a, b);
    BeanOperator.DEFAULT.copyProperties(a, b);

Note, generic type will be erased so this still be invalid:

    C<String> c1 = ...
    C<Integer> c2 = ...
    BeanHelper.copyProperties(c1, c2);

For the effect, we can use convert :

    C<String> c1 = ...
    C<Integer> c2 = BeanHelper.convert(c1, new TypeRef<C<Integer>>(){});

If TypeRef<C<Integer>> is frequently used, we can make it const:

    private static final TypeRef<C<Integer>> type = new TypeRef<C<Integer>>(){};


    C<String> c1 = ...
    C<Integer> c2 = BeanHelper.convert(c1, type);

BeanOperator consists of BeanResolver and BeanConverter, the former is used to resolve bean, the later as its name is used to convert type. We can customize BeanOperator by BeanOperator.Builder:

    BeanOperator myBeanOperator = BeanOperator.newBuilder()

The interface BeanResolver, BeanConverter or its needed interfaces, has a DEFAULT implementation and Builder to help to implement.


Reflect provides a way to invoke method called MethodInvoker (and ConstructorInvoker):

public class ReflectSample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MethodInvoker invoker = InvokerHelper.getMethodInvoker(A.class, "hello");
        System.out.println(invoker.invoke(new A()));

    public static class A {
        public String hello() {
            return "hello";

Provides signature helper:


There are also TypeHelper, MethodHelper, InvokerHelper, InstanceHelper , etc. in the reflect package.


Array package provides some practical method for Array. For example, try to quickly create an array of which elements are from 1 to 100:

public class ArraySample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] array = ArrayHelper.newArray(new int[100], i -> i + 1);


String package provides FastFormat to provide a fast, slf4j-style formatting:

    System.out.println(FastFormat.format("This is {} style!", "slf4j"));

Provides ToString and ToStringStyle to conveniently build string for an object:

public class ToStringSample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(ToString.buildToString(new A()));
        System.out.println(ToString.buildToString(new A(), ToStringStyle.HUMAN_READABLE));

    public static class A {
        private String string = "string";
        private List<String> list = Arrays.asList("string1", "string2");
        private B b = new B();

        // getters and setters...

    public static class B {
        private String string = "string";
        private List<String> list = Arrays.asList("string1", "string2");

        // getters and setters...

Above source will output:

    b = {
        class = xyz.srclab.sample.string.ToStringSample$B,
        list = [
        string = string
    class = xyz.srclab.sample.string.ToStringSample$A,
    list = [
    string = string


Lang package provides some additional class:

    Computed<String> computed = Computed.with(() -> "complex build string");

    Ref<String> ref = Ref.with("123");

    Pair<String, Integer> pair = Pair.of("0", 1);

    Tuple<String, Integer, Long> tuple = Tuple.of("0", 1, 2L);

    TypeRef<List<String>> listTypeRef = new TypeRef<List<String>>() {};

For these classes:

  • Computed: used to delayed get, and supports refresh on time;

  • Ref: as a container to solve the problem that variable must be final in some cases, such as accessing out-scope variable from lam expression;

  • Pair: represents a tuple with 2 components;

  • Triple: represents a tuple with 3 components;

  • TypeRef: help create a generic type, it is widely used in base libraries.

State and Exception

State package defines some common State interfaces and supporting classes such as StateHelper to replace simple string or int. BusinessException also be a State, that means a BusinessException can be easier incorporated into an exception handling system based on State.




Proxy package supports class dynamic proxy:

public class ProxySample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ClassProxy<A> classProxy = ClassProxy.newBuilder(A.class)
                .proxyMethod("someMethod", new Class<?>[0], (o, objects, method, methodInvoker) -> {
                    String result = "proxy method";
                    return result;

    public static class A {

        public String someMethod() {
            return "someMethod";

Proxy package use ClassProxyProviderManager to manage implementation of proxy. By default, the manager use ByteCodeClassProxyProvider to implement proxy functionality, we can use JdkClassProxyProvider to implement by JDK dynamic proxy.

Byte Code

Bytecode package provide uniform interfaces to easier handle bytecodes:

public class ByteCodeSample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BeanClass<A> beanClass = BeanClass.newBuilder(A.class)
                .addProperty("b", String.class)
        A a1 = beanClass.newInstance();
        BeanHelper.setPropertyValue(a1, "b", "bbb");
        System.out.println(BeanHelper.getPropertyValue(a1, "b"));

        EnhancedClass<A> enhancedClass = EnhancedClass.newBuilder(A.class)
                .overrideMethod("someMethod", ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY, new ProxyMethod() {
                    public Object invoke(Object o, Object[] objects, Method method, MethodInvoker methodInvoker) {
                        return "proxy: " + methodInvoker.invoke(o, objects);
        A a2 = enhancedClass.newInstance();

    public static class A {

        private String a;

        public String getA() {
            return a;

        public void setA(String a) {
            this.a = a;

        public String someMethod() {
            return "someMethod";

Bytecode package use ByteCodeProviderManager to manage implementation of proxy. By default, the manager use CglibByteCodeProvider to implement bytecode functionality, we can use SpringCglibByteCodeProvider to implement by spring-cglib.


Beside above features, there are also many useful tools such as CacheStateBuilder, ProcessByHandlersBuilder, AbstractProviderManager and lots of XxxHelpers.


Easy for Common is Open Source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.