
server side tools to maintain collections that track the system files and folders

meteor add williamledoux:astronome@=0.2.0


Astronome v0.3.0

Meteor server-side package for populating Meteor.Collections with informations on existing system directories and files, without touching (almost) anything, and without preventing normal interaction with those files and directories through filesystem.

Usecases: indexing and adding metadatas to personnal files (pictures, videos, whatnot...) and still being able to manipulate them through filesystem.

How it works

  • Manage records in a user-provided Meteor.Collections for subdirectories (recursively) and for files.
  • Callbacks on various events to allow better control of parsing.
  • Hidden file into each tracked subdirectory with its id, so that tracking isn't lost just because directory has been renamed or moved.
  • Files are matched by name: tracking will be lost if the file is renamed or moved to a different directory.


	Directories = new Meteor.Collection("Directories");
	Files 	= new Meteor.Collection("Files");

	if (Meteor.isServer) {
		Meteor.startup(function () {
			// Create and check parameters
			var p = Astronome.checkParams({
				'sourcePath'								: "/mypictures/",
				'idFilename'								: '.astronomeid'
				'directoryCollection'				: Directories,
				'fileCollection'						: Files,
				'onDirectoryAddedBeforeCB'	: function(directoryfullpath){ return true; }
				'onDirectoryAddedAfterCB'		: function(directory){ Directories.update(directory, {some:metadatas});},
				'onDirectoryDeletedCB'			: function(directory){ return true; },
				'onDirectoryMovedCB'				: function(directory, olddirectorypath){ },
				'onFileAddedBeforeCB'				: function(filefullpath, basename, extension){return true},
				'onFileAddedAfterCB'				: function(file){ },
				'onFileDeletedCB'						: function(file){ console.log(this.someUserData); },
				'onFileChangedCB'						: function(file){ },
				'someUserData'							: 42,
			// Parse directory every minute
			}, 60000);



Astronome uses Meteor.Error to throw detailed errors


The parameters object mainly tells Astronome what collection to feed and what callbacks to call. The fields described below are the one that will be read by Astronome.

sourcePath required

Must be a string containing the disk path of the existing 'source' directory (that is to be recursively tracked).

directoryCollection required

Must be a valid Meteor.Collection to store information on Directories

fileCollection required

Must be a valid Meteor.Collection to store informations on Files

idFilename default is ".astronomeid"

Must be a string containing the name of the file that will be created in each subdirectory and contain the id of this subdirectory in the directoryCollection

onDirectoryAddedBeforeCB(fulldirectorypath) optional

  • Called by the parse function for each directory that is not tracked in directoryCollection.
  • Return value controls whether the subdirectory should be tracked (true) or not (false).
  • If this callback is not defined, all directories will be tracked.
  • Not called for the source directory (that is never tracked)

onDirectoryAddedAfterCB(directory) optional

  • If defined, called by the parse function just after the directory object has been inserted to the directoryCollection.
  • Return value controls whether this directory should be kept (true) or removed (false) in database.

onDirectoryDeletedCB(directory) optional

  • Called by the parse function for each tracked directory that is missing on the filesystem
  • Return value controls whether the directory is removed from database (true) or keeped with a null source (false).
  • If this callback is not defined, all missing directories will be removed from database.

onDirectoryMovedCB(directory, oldDirectoryPath) optional

  • If defined, called by the parse function after a tracked directory that has been moved from oldDirectoryPath has been updated.
  • Return value controls whether this directory should be kept (true) or removed (false) in database.

onDirectoryForgottenCB(directory) optional

  • If defined, called by the forget function just before a tracked directory is forgot.
  • Return value isn't used.

onFileAddedBeforeCB(filename, basename, extension) optional

  • Called by the parse function for each file that has no record in fileCollection.
  • File is named filename (basename.extension) and its parent directory informations can be found in this.astr.parentDir.
  • File's basename and extension are also provided and will be stored in fileCollection.
  • Return value controls whether a record should be inserted in fileCollection for this file (true) or not (false).
  • If this callback is not defined, all files will be tracked.
  • No record is called for tracker files named params.idFilename.

onFileAddedAfterCB(file) optional

  • If defined, called by the parse function just after the file object has been inserted to the fileCollection.
  • Return value controls whether this file should be kept (true) or removed (false) in database.

onFileDeletedCB(file) optional

  • Called by the parse function for each tracked file that is missing on the filesystem
  • Return value controls whether the file is removed from database (true) or keeped with a null source (false).
  • If this callback is not defined, all missing files will be removed from database.

onFileChangedCB() optional

  • If defined, called by the parse function for each file whose modification time is newer than the last parse time
  • Return value controls whether this file should be kept (true) or removed (false) in database.

onFileForgottenCB(file) optional

  • If defined, called by the forget function just before a tracked file is forgot.
  • Return value isn't used.

Additional properties

Additionnal properties can be added to the parameters object, at user's discretion. Those extra properties will be accessible in read/write in any of the callbacks through this. Those properties are depth-linked. For example if you store the directory path in the onDirectoryAddedBeforeCB, and you read it in onFileAddedBeforeCB you will always get the correct parent's directory path, even if there were some nested subfolders that have been added between the two calls. This is done by backuping recursively the extra own properties each time we parse deeper:

  • Extra properties should ideally be as flat and light as possible (for instance, not a meteor Collection !, which is big and recursive), otherwise it will be slow or not work at all (let me know).
  • If the param object inherits from something, the inherited properties won't get backuped. This can be exploited to store global user data that must not be depth-linked.


Recursively parse the folders of a given source, and update both fileCollection and directoryCollection. Call callbacks defined in params for various usecases.


Recursively remove all tracker files in the folders of a given source, and remove every record corresponding to elements of this source in both fileCollection and directoryCollection. Call callbacks defined in params for various usecases.


Will check that provided params are valid, and create default values for missing optionnal parameters.


  • Remove recursive-fs dependency that is only used in tests
  • Add depth control maxDepth to recursive parsing
  • Add function to use filesystem events instead of periodical reparsing


  • 0.3.0
    • Better handling of cases were tracked folder are missing from database (or exist in databases and are untracked on disk)
    • onDirectoryAddedAfterCB onDirectoryMovedCB must return true upon completion, otherwise the concerned directory will get untracked.
    • onFileChangedCB onFileAddedAfterCB must return true upon completion, otherwise the concerned file will get untracked.
    • Add basename and extension to the File collection and as argument to the onFileAddedBeforeCB callback
  • 0.2.0
    • Use additional params properties instead of userdata extra arg to all callbacks.
  • 0.1.0
    • Update to official meteor packaging system