
Infer & generate command-line interface/option/argument parsers

library, cli, command-line, command line, commandline, arguments, switches, options, argparse, optparse, parser, parsing, formatter, formatting, template engines, highlighting, terminal, color, completion, help generation, abbreviation, multiprocessing
nimble install cligen@#v0.9.9


cligen: A Native API-Inferred Command-Line Interface Generator For Nim

This approach to CLIs comes from Andrey Mikhaylenko's nice Python module 'argh'. Much as with Python, an intuitive subset of ordinary Nim calls maps cleanly onto command calls, syntactically and semantically. For Nim, that subset is any non-generic proc with non-var parameters typed either by default value inference or by explicit types (i.e., not like foo(b: auto)). The proc must also have some seq[T] if it wants to receive a variable list of optional positional parameters after optional and specific mandatory parameters. For such procs, cligen can automatically generate a nice-ish command-line interface complete with long and short options and a nice-ish help message.

Enough Generalities...Show me examples!

In Nim terms, adding a CLI can be as easy as:

proc foobar(foo=1, bar=2.0, baz="hi", verb=false, paths: seq[string]): int =
  ##Some existing API call
  result = 1          # Of course, real code would have real logic here

when isMainModule:
  import cligen
  dispatch(foobar)    # Yep..It can really be this simple!

Compile it to foobar (assuming nim c foobar.nim is appropriate, say) and then run ./foobar --help to get a minimal (but not so useless) help message:

  foobar [optional-params] [paths]
Some existing API call
Options (opt&arg sep by :,=,spc):
--help, -?                  print this help message
--foo=, -f=  int     1      set foo
--bar=, -b=  float   2.0    set bar
--baz=       string  "hi"   set baz
--verb, -v   toggle  false  set verb

Other invocations (foobar --foo=2 --bar=2.7 ...) all work as expected.

By default, dispatchGen has requireSeparator=false which results in more traditional POSIX command-line parsers than parseopt/parsopt2 in Nim's standard library. Specifically, -abcdBar or -abcd Bar or --delta Bar or --delta=Bar are all acceptable syntax for command options.

When you feel like producing a better help string, tack on some parameter-keyed metadata with Nim's association-list literals and maybe throw in a more overall description of operation doc string for before the options table:

  dispatch(foobar, doc = "Deletes no positional-params!",
           help = { "foo" : "the beginning", "bar" : "the rate" })

If you want to manually control the short option for a parameter, you can just override it with the 5th|short= macro parameter:

  dispatch(foobar, short = { "bar" : 'r' }))

With that, "bar" will get 'r' while "baz" will get 'b'.

If you don't like the help message as-is, you can re-order it however you like with some named-argument string interpolation:

  dispatch(foobar,          # swap place of doc string and options table
           usage="Use:\n$command $args\nOptions:\n$options\n$doc\n",
           prefix="   "))   # indent the whole message a few spaces.

The same basic string-to-native type converters used for option values will be applied to convert optional positional arguments to seq[T] values or mandatory positional arguments to values of their types:

proc foobar(myMandatory: int, mynums: seq[int], foo=1, verb=false): int =
  ##Some API call
  result = 1          # Of course, real code would have real logic here
when isMainModule:
  import cligen; dispatch(foobar)

Is the return value not an 8-bit integer or for some other reason it makes more sense to echo the result of the proc? Just pass echoResult=true:

import cligen, strutils   # generate a CLI for Nim stdlib's editDistance
dispatch(editDistance, echoResult=true)

Want to expose two or more procs into a command with subcommands a la git or nimble? Just use dispatchMulti:

proc foo(myMandatory: int, mynums: seq[int], foo=1, verb=false) =
  ##Some API call
proc bar(myHiHo: int, myfloats: seq[float], verb=false) =
  ##Some other API call
when isMainModule:
  import cligen; dispatchMulti([foo, short={"verb", 'v'}], [bar])

Then a user can run ./cmd foo -v or ./cmd bar 10 1.0, 2.0. Each [] list in dispatchMulti is the argument list for each sub-dispatch tune the command syntax and help strings in the same way as dispatch. ./cmd --help will emit a brief help message and ./cmd help emits a more comprehensive message.

That's basically it. Many users who have read this far can start using cligen without further delay, simply entering illegal commands or --help to get help messages that exhibit the basic mappings.

Basic Requirements For A Proc To Have A Well-Inferred Command

There are only a few very easy rules to learn:

  1. No parameter of a wrapped proc can be named "help" (name collision!)

  2. Zero or 1 params has explicit type seq[T] to catch optional positional args.

  3. All param types used must have argParse, argHelp support (see Extending..) This includes the type T in seq[T] for non-option/positionals.

  4. Only basic procs supported -- no 'auto' types, 'var' types, generics, etc.

cligen supports most basic Nim types (int, float, ..) out of the box, and the system can be extended pretty easily to user-defined types.

Optional positional command arguments (more on Rule 1)

When there is no explicit seq[T] parameter, cligen infers that only option command parameters or specifically positioned mandatory parameters are legal. The name of the seq parameter does not matter, only that it's type slot is non-empty and syntactically seq[SOMETHING] as opposed to some type alias/etc. that happens to be a seq.

When there is no positional parameter catcher and no mandatory parameters, it is a command syntax error to provide non-option parameters and reported as such. This non-option syntax error also commonly occurs when requireSeparator=true and traditional Nim parseopt2-like command syntax is in force. In that case a command user may forget the [:|=] required to separate an option and its value.

Extending cligen to support new parameter types (more on Rule 2)

You can extend the set of supported parameter conversion types by defining a couple helper templates before invoking dispatch. All you need do is define a compatible argParse and argHelp for any new Nim parameter types you want. Basically, argParse parses a string into a Nim value and argHelp provides simple guidance on what that syntax is for command users.

For example, you might want to receive a seq[string] parameter inside a single argument/option value. So, you need some user friendly convention to convert a single string to a sequence of them, such as a comma-separated-value list.

Teaching cligen what to do goes like this:

proc demo(stuff = @[ "abc", "def" ], opt1=true, foo=2): int =
  return len(stuff)

when isMainModule:
  import strutils, cligen, argcvt  # argcvt.keys deals with missing short opts

  template argParse(dst: seq[string], key: string, val: string, help: string) =
    dst = val.split(",")

  template argHelp(helpT: seq[array[0..3, string]], defVal: seq[string],
                   parNm: string, sh: string, parHelp: string) =
    helpT.add([keys(parNm, sh), "CSV", "\"" & defVal.join(",") & "\"", parHelp])

  dispatch(demo, doc="NOTE: CSV=comma-separated value list")

Of course, you often want more input validation than this. See argcvt.nim in the cligen package for the currently supported types and more details.

Note also that, since stuff is a seq and there can be only one seq[T] for positionals, type inference for stuff=@[...] in the above example is required. Using (stuff: seq[string] = @[...],...) would yield either an error or the unintended syntax (command --foo=3 "a,b,c" "d,e,f" rather than --stuff="a,b,c").

Exit Code Behavior

Commands return integer codes to operating systems to indicate exit status (only the lowest order byte is significant on many OSes). Conventionally, zero status indicates a successful exit. If the return type of the proc wrapped by dispatch is int or convertible to int then that value will be propagated to become the exit code. Otherwise the return of the wrapped proc is discarded. Command-line syntax errors cause programs to exit with status 1 and print a help message.

More Motivation

There are so many CLI parser frameworks out there...Why do we need yet another? This approach to command-line interfaces has both great Don't Repeat Yourself ("DRY", or relatedly "a few points of edit") properties. It also has nice "loose coupling" properties. cligen need not even be present on the system unless you are compiling a CLI executable. Similarly, wrapped routines need not be in the same module, modifiable, or know anything about cligen. This approach is great when you want to maintain both an API and a CLI in parallel. More generally, cligen encourages preserving API/"Nim import"-access to any provided functionality. When so preserved, this simplifies complex uses being driven by other Nim programs rather than shell scripts (once usage complexity makes scripting language limitations annoying). Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the learning curve/cognitive load and even the extra program text for a CLI is all about as painless as possible - mostly learning what kind of proc is "command-like" enough, various minor controls/arguments to dispatch to enhance the help message, and the "binding/translation" between proc and command parameters. The last is helped a lot by the auto-generated help message.