
API for www.eloverblik.dk

api, elforbrug, eloverblik, energiforbrug, orsted, radius
nimble install eloverblik



API for www.eloverblik.dk - samling af energiforbrug.

This is an API for the website www.eloverblik.dk, which collects energy usage from Danish energy companies.

You use this as an library, which you import, or you can run it as a binary. It'll get your energy usage, format it to JSON, and sends the data with MQTT.


To access the API, you need to generate a refreshToken and your meetering point.

Refresh token

  1. Go to www.eloverblik.dk
  2. Login as "Privat"
  3. Navigate to "Min profil -> Datadeling"
  4. Generate a token and save it locally

Meetering ID

You'r already at www.eloverblik.dk, so now just navigate to the frontpage (https://eloverblik.dk/Customer/overview/) and copy your meetering ID - the 18 characters.


Please be aware, that the data output comes within a time periode from 23:00-23:00 (11:00 PM): "start":"2020-03-16T23:00:00Z","end":"2020-03-17T23:00:00Z".

Therefore the URL you are requesting look a bit strange. When you want the data from the 17th, you request needs to be from 16th to the 17th march.

Your URL will be: https://api.eloverblik.dk/CustomerApi/api/MeterData/GetTimeSeries/2020-03-17/2020-03-18/Year

Furthermore the datahub is updated 1 day to slow, which has the draw down, that you can't get yesterdays usage.


You have to copy the config_default.cfg to config.cfg and adjust the options.

Home Assistant (Hass.io)

The original purpose of this API was to enable an overview in HA. So running the API as a binary, it'll sends the stats everyday to HA, and you can visualize them - e.g. using mini-graph (HACS plugin).

Buuuut, you might want to use Node red to do the automation. You either follow the steps below to create the flow, or you can copy and paste the predefined flow. After that generate a graph with mini-graph in Lovelace and enjoy.

You need to let the program run, cause it'll gather the data once a day - set the time in the config.cfg. A good choice would be 23:30 - the data is updated around 23:00. This was quite annoying while testing, so now the api just runs every half hour. If there's no changes, nothing is send to HA with MQTT.

Auto run

First compile the file:

nim c -d:ssl -d:release eloverblik.nim

Then edit the config file:

cp config/config_default.cfg config/config.cfg
nano config/config.cfg

Now adjust the service file and deploy:

nano eloverblik.service
sudo cp eloverblik.service /etc/systemd/system/eloverblik.service
sudo systemctl enable eloverblik
sudo systemctl start eloverblik
sudo systemctl status eloverblik

Node red

We are making 3 nodes for: Daily usage, Weekly usage, Monthly usage.

  • MQTT-in node - convert to JSON object
  • HA entity node (monthl) - set state to:
  • HA entity node (week) - set state to:
  • HA entity node (day) - set state to:
Node red JSON code
        "id": "5ea40d22.fd6134",
        "type": "mqtt in",
        "z": "f9f7e30c.acb0a",
        "name": "",
        "topic": "eloverblik",
        "qos": "2",
        "datatype": "json",
        "broker": "6e85e811.77a988",
        "x": 160,
        "y": 220,
        "wires": [
        "id": "875fd707.470408",
        "type": "ha-entity",
        "z": "f9f7e30c.acb0a",
        "name": "Eloverblik Month",
        "server": "b95e3a52.453dc8",
        "version": 1,
        "debugenabled": true,
        "outputs": 1,
        "entityType": "sensor",
        "config": [
                "property": "name",
                "value": "eloverblik_month"
                "property": "device_class",
                "value": ""
                "property": "icon",
                "value": ""
                "property": "unit_of_measurement",
                "value": ""
        "state": "payload.eloverblik.month.0.usage",
        "stateType": "msg",
        "attributes": [
                "property": "start",
                "value": "payload.eloverblik.month.0.start",
                "valueType": "msg"
                "property": "end",
                "value": "payload.eloverblik.month.0.end",
                "valueType": "msg"
        "resend": true,
        "outputLocation": "",
        "outputLocationType": "none",
        "inputOverride": "allow",
        "x": 450,
        "y": 160,
        "wires": [
        "id": "3f11ef06.a67ae",
        "type": "ha-entity",
        "z": "f9f7e30c.acb0a",
        "name": "Eloverblik Week",
        "server": "b95e3a52.453dc8",
        "version": 1,
        "debugenabled": true,
        "outputs": 1,
        "entityType": "sensor",
        "config": [
                "property": "name",
                "value": "eloverblik_week"
                "property": "device_class",
                "value": ""
                "property": "icon",
                "value": ""
                "property": "unit_of_measurement",
                "value": ""
        "state": "payload.eloverblik.week.0.usage",
        "stateType": "msg",
        "attributes": [
                "property": "start",
                "value": "payload.eloverblik.week.0.start",
                "valueType": "msg"
                "property": "end",
                "value": "payload.eloverblik.week.0.end",
                "valueType": "msg"
        "resend": true,
        "outputLocation": "",
        "outputLocationType": "none",
        "inputOverride": "allow",
        "x": 440,
        "y": 220,
        "wires": [
        "id": "37c6eb5c.e52be4",
        "type": "ha-entity",
        "z": "f9f7e30c.acb0a",
        "name": "Eloverblik Day",
        "server": "b95e3a52.453dc8",
        "version": 1,
        "debugenabled": true,
        "outputs": 1,
        "entityType": "sensor",
        "config": [
                "property": "name",
                "value": "eloverblik_day"
                "property": "device_class",
                "value": ""
                "property": "icon",
                "value": ""
                "property": "unit_of_measurement",
                "value": ""
        "state": "payload.eloverblik.day.0.usage",
        "stateType": "msg",
        "attributes": [
                "property": "start",
                "value": "payload.eloverblik.day.0.start",
                "valueType": "msg"
                "property": "end",
                "value": "payload.eloverblik.day.0.end",
                "valueType": "msg"
        "resend": true,
        "outputLocation": "",
        "outputLocationType": "none",
        "inputOverride": "allow",
        "x": 440,
        "y": 280,
        "wires": [
        "id": "6e85e811.77a988",
        "type": "mqtt-broker",
        "z": "",
        "name": "Main MQTT",
        "broker": "",
        "port": "1883",
        "clientid": "noderedmqtt",
        "usetls": false,
        "compatmode": false,
        "keepalive": "60",
        "cleansession": true,
        "birthTopic": "",
        "birthQos": "0",
        "birthPayload": "",
        "closeTopic": "",
        "closeQos": "0",
        "closePayload": "",
        "willTopic": "",
        "willQos": "0",
        "willPayload": ""
        "id": "b95a2a52.433dc8",
        "type": "server",
        "z": "",
        "name": "Home Assistant",
        "legacy": false,
        "addon": true,
        "rejectUnauthorizedCerts": true,
        "ha_boolean": "y|yes|true|on|home|open",
        "connectionDelay": true,
        "cacheJson": true

MQTT messages

The ouput will be like:

     // Data from February 1st to February the 29
      // Data from Monday 9 to Sunday the 15
      // Data from Tuesday the 17th

Nim library

Import eloverblik, set the types and call eloverblikTimeSeries():

eloverblikLoadData() # Loads the data from the config.cfg
let result = eloverblikTimeSeries(eloverblik, elperiode)

You do not need to fill out the MQTT in the config.cfg file.


The 2 data options in the config is daysBack and daysSpecific. For both these options you have to specify an aggregation. For aggregation you can use Actual | Quarter | Hour | Day | Month | Year. If the aggregation is higher than the periode you are specifying, you'll get 1 result containing the whole usage.

You can use both of these options or have multiple dates in both of them - split the dates with a ;.

I could look like:

daysBack = "1;7;365"
aggregationBack = "Hour;Day;Month"

daysSpecific = "2020-01-01,2020-03-01" # 2020-01-01,2020-02-01;2020-02-01,2020-03-01
aggregationSpecific = "Month" # Month;Day

Predefined calls

Do you prefer the data returned to Home Assistant? You can use the same predefined calls, which returns the last mont, week and day.

let url  = datesPredefined(mainPeriode, howLongBack, "Year")
# mainPeriode = Month, Week or Day
# howLongBack = How many months, weeks or days back, you want to see
# The Year in aggregation is used to ensure, that data from the periode is used

let monthUrl  = datesPredefined("Month", 1, "Year")
let month     = requestData(actualToken, "month", eloverblik.meeteringPoint, monthUrl)

let weekUrl   = datesPredefined("Week", 1, "Year")
let week      = requestData(actualToken, "week", eloverblik.meeteringPoint, weekUrl)

let dayUrl    = datesPredefined("Day", 1, "Year")
let day       = requestData(actualToken, "day", eloverblik.meeteringPoint, dayUrl)


You can read more about the API the pdf 100120 Customer and Third party API for Datahub Eloverblik Technical description.pdf.