
Migration manager for Norm.

orm, migration, norm, sqlite, postgres, nim
nimble install norman


Norman: The Migration Manager for Norm

Build Status Nimble

Norman is a migration manager for Norm ORM.

Norman provides a CLI tool to manage migrations and a normanpkg/sugar module used in migrations.


  1. Install Norman with Nimble:
$ nimble install norman
  1. Add Norman to your .nimble file:
requires "norman"

Note: Norman requires the development version of Nim.


  1. Go to your Nimble package directory and run norman init:
$ cd myapp
$ norman init
Created models file, models directory, config file, and migrations directory:
  • models.nim is the models entrypoint module. Import it in your app whenever you need to access the DB.

    You can either keep all your models in this file under db`` macro, or distrubute them across ``models/* submodules and aggregate them with dbFromTypes.

    Initially, a placeholder model Model is defined in it to demonstrate how you can define your actual models.

  • models is the models submodules directory. Initially, it's empty.

  • config.nim is the project config file. Use it to set the DB backend and credentials across your project.

    By default, it's set to use sqlite and database.db.

  • migrations is the directory where your project migrations are stored. Initially empty.

  1. Generate your first migration with norman generate:
$ norman generate -m "init db"
Created migration directory, model backup, and migration template:

In Norman terms, migration is a directory inside migrations that contains three things:

  • the desired models state
  • the code to get there
  • the code to undo those changes

The model state is stored the same way it's stored in your app: as models.nim and models.

The migration code is stored in a file called migration.nim, in apply and rollback blocks.

Migration names are prefixed with creation timestamps to ensure sequential application.

  1. Apply the migrations from migrations directory with norman migrate:
$ norman migrate
Compiled migrations: 1/1.
Applied migrations:
  1. To undo a migration, run norman undo:
$ norman undo
Compiled migrations: 1/1.
Undone migrations:
  1. Whenever you modify your models, go to 2.

For full usage, run norman help:

This is a multiple-dispatch command.  Top-level --help/--help-syntax
is also available.  Usage is like:
    norman {SUBCMD} [subcommand-opts & args]
where subcommand syntaxes are as follows:

  init [optional-params]
    Init model structure.
  Options(opt-arg sep :|=|spc):
      -h, --help         print this cligen-erated help
      --help-syntax      advanced: prepend,plurals,..

  generate [required&optional-params]
    Generate a migration from the current model state.
  Options(opt-arg sep :|=|spc):
      -h, --help                         print this cligen-erated help
      --help-syntax                      advanced: prepend,plurals,..
      -m=, --message=  string  REQUIRED  set message

  migrate [optional-params]
    Apply migrations.
  Options(opt-arg sep :|=|spc):
      -h, --help                  print this cligen-erated help
      --help-syntax               advanced: prepend,plurals,..
      -v, --verbose  bool  false  set verbose

  undo [optional-params]
    Undo ``n``or all migrations.
  Options(opt-arg sep :|=|spc):
      -h, --help                  print this cligen-erated help
      --help-syntax               advanced: prepend,plurals,..
      -n=, --n=      int   1      set n
      -a, --all      bool  false  set all
      -v, --verbose  bool  false  set verbose