
Root finding functions for Nim

math, numerical, scientific, root, bisection, nim, roots
nimble install roots



This is a root finding library for Nim. It is highly influenced by Julia's library Roots.jl.


This library is still subject to development! Breaking API changes are highly likely! The basic structure was taken from Roots.jl and reimplemented as close a possible in Nim. All honor goes to them, I merely took their code and converted it to Nim. As both languages handle things differently, some changes were unavoidable. An example is passing objects to functions: in Julia it is call-by-reference, whereas in Nim it is usually call-by-value. To accomodate for this, most types are ref types. Duplication of state, option and track objects it thereby avoided. To substitute for Julias multiple dispatch capabilities Generics are used.

From my limited testing it seems, that the following algorithms work:

Algorithm Status
Bisection working
BisectionExact working
A42 working
AlefeldPotraShi working
Brent working
FalsePosition working


Similar to the Roots.jl way specifying the algorithm is optional. If none is given, Bisection is used. The chosen algorithm can be passed as the third parameter to the findZero function call. Some examples:

import math, roots

proc f(x: float): float =
  return exp(x) - x^4

echo findZero(f, (8, 9), Bisection())

# Bisection is the preset method so this should give the same result:
echo findZero(f, (8, 9))

# let's see what it does behind the scenes:
echo findZero(f, (8, 9), verbose = true)

When using the FalsePosition algorithm, a number has to be passed to the initialisation call. The number has to be an int from 1 to 12 and correspondts to the respective galdino function. Options can be passed to the function by giving a UnivariateZeroOptions object as a last parameter:

import math, roots

proc f(x: float): float =
  return exp(x) - x^4

  options: UnivariateZeroOptions[float, float, float, float]

options.xabstol = 1e-6
options.xreltol = 1e-6
options.abstol = 4 * 1e-6
options.reltol = 4 * 1e-6
options.maxevals = 50
options.maxfnevals = 50
options.strict = false

echo findZero(f, (8, 9), FalsePosition(g: 12), verbose = true, options)

The library can not handle arrays as input. The function may not use integers in its' domain or codomain.


  • implement basic structure in Nim
  • implement basic bisection algorithm and AlefeldPotraShi
  • implement all Bracketing algorithms
  • add tests
  • implement non-bracketing methods
  • clean up code and possibly restructure
  • add documentation
  • make code more type generic (possibly handling arrays as parameters)
  • don't export everythink, use sane encapsulation