
Atlassian User Interface library

npm install @atlassian/aui@8.3.9



The AUI library is a set of patterns and components for building user interfaces in Atlassian products and services.


Thorough documentation is available at the AUI website.

Browser compatibility

  • Chrome latest stable
  • Firefox latest stable
  • Safari latest stable (on OS X only)
  • IE 11+

How do you get it?

Consuming the AUI library is supported through a few methods:

Install as a Node package

AUI is released to npmjs.com. Install it through your favourite package manager:

npm install @atlassian/aui yarn add @atlassian/aui

In the Node package, you will find:

  • dist/ contains pre-compiled javascript and css. This is the simplest way to use AUI.

  • src/ contains the raw JavaScript and LESS sources. It's unlikely you'll require these directly.

Install as an Atlassian plugin

AUI can be used as an Atlassian P2 plugin. This plugin requires the following technologies to be available in the runtime it is installed in to:

All Atlassian Server products come with AUI pre-installed, so you don't need to do much to re-use it in your plugin.

Each AUI component has a web-resource key you can include it by. Consult each component's documentation on the AUI website for the key.

Download a distribution

AUI distributions are released as a zip file called the aui-flat-pack, hosted through Atlassian's Maven nexus. Note that this is equivalent to the dist/ folder available in the Node package.

Consume through a CDN

Use of AUI is not officially supported through a Content Delivery Network (CDN). However, because AUI is published to npmjs.com, the AUI distributions are also published through some public CDN services such as:

Raising issues

Raise bugs or feature requests in the AUI project.

Contributing to AUI

Refer Contribution guidelines


This is a mono-repo, which means that different parts of this repository can have different licenses.

The base level of the repository is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

For each package in the repository, there are separate license files (LICENSE.md) that specify the license restrictions for their code.

Please note that some packages are licensed under either the Atlassian Design Guidelines (ADG) license or the Atlassian Developer Terms license, which come with their own terms and conditions.

If you fork this repository, you can continue to use the Atlassian-licensed packages only under the given license restrictions. If you want to redistribute this repository, you will need to replace the Atlassian-licensed components with your own implementations.

Copyright (c) 2018 Atlassian and others.