
Toolkit of Porter that helps browser modules development.

commonjs, es2015, javascript, loader, middleware, module-bundler, module-loader
npm install @cara/porter-cli@1.0.1


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Porter is a bundler which makes web applications with hybrid module formats easier to compile the assets and mitigate browser compatibility nuances.

User Guides

It is recommended to first start with our starter documentation or the thorough user guides.


Porter consists of two major packages, @cara/porter the middleware and @cara/porter-cli the command line interface. These are the two packages we publish to NPM.

Packages for demo or test purposes now resides in the examples directory. For users interested in porter-cli,

  • examples/component may be referenced as a demo of using porter-cli to develop a browser module.
  • examples/cli may be referenced as a demo of using porter-cli to develop a web application.

As of examples/app, users interested in porter the middleware may take the app.js in examples/app for example. Many options of porter the middleware, and edge cases of browser modules in NPM, are tested in examples/app. Pardon if you find the code within examples/app a bit messy.

How to Contribute

To learn more about the project setup of Porter, please read our contributing guides.