
Base eslint rules that we use at Evermind Digital

eslint, eslintconfig, js, javascript, linting, lint, es2015
npm install @evermind/eslint-config-base@2.2.2



  • This is the base set of eslint rules (and, consequently, style) for JavaScript at Evermind.
  • Inspired by the many great style-guides out there, but particularly Zeit's and Airbnb's.

Principles (in priority order)

  • Safe
  • Readible
  • Consistent
  • Clean
  • Brief
  • Easy


  • eslint -> For syntax and code issues, as well as some stylistic linting
  • husky -> Manage githooks
  • lint-staged -> Use with husky for automatic linting on git commit


  • This is a work in progress and should be thought of as organic, rather than static. It is as much a tool to decide what the style should be as it is an enforcement and declaration of that style.
  • If something should never be in your code, it is an error, regardless of the severity of the issue.
  • If something probably shouldn't be in your code, but might just require extra oversight from the programmer, the rule should produce a warning. The programmer should then insert a comment to remove the error, or adjust the code accordingly. See the eslint docs for details.
  • You should add rules here where possible, not in individual projects.


  • Make sure you have eslint installed and initialised: npm --save-dev i eslint/yarn add --dev eslint
  • Install with yarn (or npm)
    yarn add --dev @evermind/eslint-config-base
  • You should extend this in your eslintrc.js.
      'extends': '@evermind/eslint-config-base'
  • Add the following to your package.json scripts (adjusting for the appropriate src folder accordingly):
    "husky": {
      "hooks": {
        "pre-commit": "lint-staged"
    "lint-staged": {
      // note that lint-staged chooses the path for linting for you
      "*.{js,jsx}": [
        "yarn lint", 
        "git add"
    "scripts": {
      "lint": "eslint ./src",
  • Setup your editor as necesary: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dbaeumer.vscode-eslint, https://github.com/w0rp/ale

Git Hooks

  • This packagage assumes you are using githooks to run linting (hence the fact that husky and elint-staged are dependencies, although they do not technically need to be implemented).
  • If you add to your package.json as specified above, you'll have automatic linting taken care of for you on each commit, for the files you are commiting only.


  • If you have flow installed, you will also need to run yarn add --dev eslint-plugin-flowtype.
  • You will then need to add the following to your .eslintrc.js:
      'extends': [
      'plugins': [
  • You may also want to add some githooks for extra flow checking by adding flow --write to lint-staged in your package.json.


  • If you are using react, you will also need to run yarn add --dev eslint-plugin-react
  • Then add the following to your .eslnitrc.js:
      'extends': [
      'plugins': [


  1. Make appropriate changes in repo
  • Ensure stylistic changes (i.e. overwrites of Prettier) go in styleRules.js.
  1. npm version <update_type> (where update type is one of patch, minor, or major)
  2. npm publish