
`@eximchain/dappbot-cli` makes it easy to interact with the DappBot API straight from your terminal, making smart contract development faster & easier than ever before. It is built on top of `yargs`, which provides excellent usage information when the us

npm install @eximchain/dappbot-cli@0.0.4



@eximchain/dappbot-cli makes it easy to interact with the DappBot API straight from your terminal, making smart contract development faster & easier than ever before. It is built on top of yargs, which provides excellent usage information when the user's command does not match or includes the --help option. You can explore this help information directly, but here is a sample of its output for (1) the CLI as a whole, and (2) the dappbot api sub-commands.


$ npm install --global @eximchain/dappbot-cli


Note that the below output is from development, which is why the commands are prefixed with cli.js. On your own machine, you would simply call dappbot api or dappbot truffle.

Overall Help

$ dappbot

Usage: dappbot <command>

  cli.js api <resource/method> [args]  Access all of DappBot API methods,
                                       organized by their endpoints.

  cli.js billing                       Visit DappBot's billing page to update
                                       your payment info or dapp capacity.

  cli.js goto <DappName>               Visit one of the dapps hosted on DappHub.

  cli.js login                         Begin a persistent session with DappBot.

  cli.js signup                        Create a new account with DappBot.

  cli.js truffle                       Run in a Truffle project directory to
                                       make a dapp for one of your deployed

URL Options:
  --apiUrl   The URL for DappBot's API.        [default: "https://api.dapp.bot"]

  --mngrUrl  The URL for DappBot's management app  [default: "https://dapp.bot"]

  --hubUrl   The URL for DappHub.              [default: "https://hub.dapp.bot"]

  --authPath, -a  The path to a JSON file with saved DappBot auth data. [string]

  --config        Path to a JSON config file; all of the file's keys will be
                  treated like options.

API Methods

$ dappbot api

cli.js api <resource/method> [args]

Access all of DappBot API methods, organized by their endpoints.


  cli.js api auth/beginPassReset            Request to have your password reset.

  cli.js api auth/confirmPassReset          Confirm a password reset.
  <username> <newPassword>

  cli.js api auth/login <username>          Login to DappBot.

  cli.js api auth/refresh <refreshToken>    Use your RefreshToken to get fresh

  cli.js api private/createDapp <DappName>  Create a new Dapp.

  cli.js api private/deleteDapp <DappName>  Delete one of your Dapps.

  cli.js api private/listDapps              List your Dapps.

  cli.js api private/readDapp <DappName>    Read the details for one of your

  cli.js api private/updateDapp <DappName>  Update one of your Dapps.

  cli.js api public/viewDapp <DappName>     View the public details of any
                                            deployed Dapp.