
Monorepo tools

npm install @ianwremmel/clark@4.0.0



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Monorepo tools

Clark is a toolkit for interacting with alle-inspired monorepos. This is a productization of practices found in PouchDB, the Cisco Spark JavaScript SDK, and other monorepo projects.

Table of Contents


npm install @ianwremmel/clark


Unlike lerna or similar tools, clark lets you keep track of your dependencies all in your main package.json (key benefits being significantly faster npm install times and the ability to use greenkeeper). In order to get this benefit, however, you'll need to follow one of two patterns (alle or non-alle, described below). Once you pick one of those patterns and configure your repository accordingly, you can use clark hoist, to move your deps from you individual subpackages to your repo root.


Alle was originally described as just an example of how things could work, before eventually being enacted by pouchdb. In order to follow the Alle pattern, all of your package must be kept in ./packages/node_modules and the name of each package.json should match the subfolder path (yes, this includes the org/user scope if present).


  • Alle is symlink free. It relies on the behavior of require() inside a node_modules directory to search both up the tree and in sibling folders, thus letting your packages find each other automatically.


  • Many tools have hardcoded excludes for node_modules and some can't be overridden at all. Perhaps most problematically, GitHub PR will collapse most of your diffs assuming that anything in node_modules is vendored. GitHub language stats also get confused.
  • If you already have an established project, moving every folder can be problematic.


When npm encounters a package version that's simply a file path (e.g. "my-package": "file:./packages/my-package"), it will symlink it into ./node_modules. By putting all of our local node_modules in the top-level package.json, we can expose our local packages to each other without making any other repo changes.

In addition to moving dependencies to the top-level, if clark sees your in a non-alle monorepo, it will automatically add the local file: entries to the top-level as well. You may want to run hoist whenever you create a new package.

Simply add your package directories the include section of .clarkrc.

    "include": ["frontend/*", "backend/*"]


  • No need to move anything in your existing project.
  • Doesn't break GitHub.


  • Not yet tested in the wild.
  • Likely requires a very recent version of npm. (Though, clark requires node 8 or later, so this may not be an issue).


clark deps:generate

Generate package depencies

  $ clark deps:generate

  -p, --packageName=packageName  The package for which to generate dependencies. May be specified more than once
  -s, --silent                   Indicates nothing should be printed to the stdout
  --fail-fast                    Alias of --failFast
  --failFast                     Stop on first failure
  --package=package              alias of --packageName
  --package-name=package-name    alias of --packageName

  $ clark deps:generate

See code: src/commands/deps/generate.ts

clark exec COMMAND

Execute a command in each package directory. Note: commands with spaces and pipes are supported, but must be wrapped in quotes.

  $ clark exec COMMAND

  -p, --packageName=packageName  The package against which to run this command. May be specified more than once.
  -s, --silent                   Indicates nothing should be printed to the stdout
  --fail-fast                    Alias of --failFast
  --failFast                     Fail as soon as a command fails, rather than running all to completion
  --package=package              alias of --packageName
  --package-name=package-name    alias of --packageName

See code: src/commands/exec.ts

clark help [COMMAND]

display help for clark

  $ clark help [COMMAND]

  COMMAND  command to show help for

  --all  see all commands in CLI

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

clark hoist

Migrate dependencies and dev dependencies from a sub package to the root package.json

  $ clark hoist

  -p, --packageName=packageName  The package against which to run this command. May be specified more than once.
  -s, --silent                   Indicates nothing should be printed to the stdout
  --fail-fast                    Alias of --failFast

  --failFast                     Fail upon encountering a package that cannot be hoisted, rather than running all to

  --package=package              alias of --packageName

  --package-name=package-name    alias of --packageName

  --risky                        Indicates if clark should attempt to reconcile semver mismatches.

See code: src/commands/hoist.ts

clark init

Create a .clarkrc file in your project root

  $ clark init

  -f, --force          Overwrite .clarkrc with new config
  -s, --script=script  Identifies a script to add to the config file

See code: src/commands/init.ts

clark list

List all packages

  $ clark list

See code: src/commands/list.ts

clark run SCRIPT

Runs a script in each package directory. This is different from exec in that scripts should be defined in .clarkrc and may be overridden on a per-package basis via npm scripts. npm scripts defined only in subpackage package.jsons can be run this way, but only scripts named in .clarkrc will populate the help output.

  $ clark run SCRIPT

  -p, --packageName=packageName  The package against which to run this command. May be specified more than once.
  -s, --silent                   Indicates nothing should be printed to the stdout
  --fail-fast                    Alias of --failFast
  --failFast                     Fail as soon as a command fails, rather than running all to completion
  --package=package              alias of --packageName
  --package-name=package-name    alias of --packageName

See code: src/commands/run.ts


Ian Remmel


PRs Welcome


Use ts-node to test your changes without rebuilding

ts-node ./src/cli.ts --help


MIT © Ian Remmel 2018 until at least now