Command line client for Kumori Platform

cli, cloud, kumori, paas, saas
npm install @kumori/cli@1.1.10


Kumori Platform CLI

This is a command line interface to boost the process of developing elements for Kumori Platform.


This application can be used to boost the process of developing deployments services for Kumori Platform. This application helps with:

  • Managing a workspace creating initial versions of elements under development by using templates.
  • Interacting with Kumori Platform.

More information can be found in Kumori PaaS Documentation.

Table of Contents


Install it as a npm package

npm install -g @kumori/cli

The Kumori Platform Service Model

The services deployed in Kumori Platform must follow a very specific service model known as the Kumori Platform Service Model. This model is based in the following main concepts:

  • Component: it is a runnable piece of code which must implement a given API. A component can interact with other components by using channels. A component can also have some configuration parameters and require some resources to work (CPU, RAM, persitent volumes, ...)
  • Service: defines a specific topology of components connecting their channels.
  • Deployment: it is an instance of a service and it is composed by several instance of each of its components. The number of instances might variate in time.
  • Stamp: is an instance of the Kumori Platform. Only one stamp is considered THE Kumori Platform. However, in some cases specific stamps can be created by the Kumori team for specific purposes.


To use kumori CLI first create an initial workspace

$ mkdir workspace
$ cd workspace
$ kumori init
   create kumoriConfig.json
   create builts/
   create components/
   create dependencies/
   create deployments/
   create resources/
   create runtimes/
   create services/

The workspace structure is described in the init command section.

Once created, you can start developing services. This application currently supports the following commands:

Usage: kumori [options] [command]


  -V, --version   output the version number
  -h, --help      output usage information


  component       Manages components
  deployment      Manages deployments
  project         Manages projects
  resource        Manages resources
  runtime         Manages runtimes
  service         Manages services
  set             Manages workspace configuration parameters
  stamp           Manages stamps
  init [options]  Populates the current folder with the worspace folders structure
  help [cmd]      display help for [cmd]

Each one of those commands have several subcommands.

Init Command

Created a brand new workspace. A workspace is a folder with the following structure:

├── builts
├── components
├── dependencies
├── deployments
├── kumoriConfig.json
├── resources
├── runtimes
├── services
└── tests

Supports the following subcommands:

Usage: init [options]

Populates the current folder with the worspace folders structure


  -t, --template <template>  The workspace template (default: @kumori/workspace)
  -h, --help                 output usage information

The kumoriConfig.json file contains the configuration used in this workspace. The build folder can be used to store bundles with prepacked elements. The components, services, deployments, projects, resources and runtimes store the different elements under development.

Component Command

Supports the following subcommands:

Usage: kumori component [options] [command]


  -h, --help                   output usage information


  add [options] <name>         Adds a new component to the workspace
  build [options] <name>       Creates a distributable version of the component
  register [options] <name>    Registers a component in a stamp
  remove [options] <name>      Removes an existing component from the workspace
  unregister [options] <name>  Unregisters a component from a stamp

With them, components can be added to the workspace, build distributable versions of them, register them to Kumori Platform (the official one or any other one), remove them to the workspace and unregister one version of that component in Kumori Platform.

Deployment Command

Supports the following subcommands:

Usage: kumori deployment [options] [command]


  -h, --help                                output usage information


  add [options] <name> <service>            Adds a new deployment configuration to the workspace
  update [options] <name>                   Updates a deployment configuration in the workspace
  deploy [options] <name>                   Creates a new service in the target stamp
  ps [options]                              Lists the services currently running in the target stamp
  remove <name>                             Removes an existing deployment from the workspace
  scale [options] <urn> <role> <instances>  Unregisters a component from a stamp
  undeploy [options] <urn>                  Undeploys a service from the target stamp

With them, a developer can define new configurations for the deployments in the workspace, use them to create new services in Kumori Platform, list the current services hosted in Kumori Platform, remove a configuration from the workspace, scale a component of a given deployment or undeploy a hosted service.

Project Command

Supports the following subcommand:

Usage: kumori-project [options] [command]


  -h, --help            output usage information


  add [options] <name>  Populates the workspace with a project elements. A project might include components, resoureces, services, runtimes and deployments

This command is used to populate your workspace with a set of elements. This is typically used to create in one shot all elements you need to create a new service, including all its components and so on.

Resource Command

Supports the following subcommand:

Usage: kumori resource [options] [command]


  -h, --help                   output usage information


  add [options] <name>         Adds a new resource to the workspace
  register [options] <name>    Registers a resource in a stamp
  remove [options] <name>      Removes an existing resource from the workspace
  unregister [options] <name>  Unregisters a resource from a stamp

In this case, a resource refers to platform elements that can be registered and assigned to deployments (like volumes, certificates and so on). The subcommands for this commands can be used to create define new resources, create them un a platform and remove previously created and registered resources.

Runtime Command

A runtime is the environment used to execute components instances. In essence, a runtime is a Docker image. Developers can create new runtimes from scratch but it is strongly recommended to extend one of the existing runtimes:

  • eslap:// enviroment used to executed components implemented in Node.jS. XYZ represent the major, minor and patch version of the runtime. Each version might support different versions of the component API and include a different version of NodeJS.
  • eslap:// enviroment used to executed components implemented in Java. XYZ represent the major, minor and patch version of the runtime.

Usually, users will not create custom runtimes and use directly the native one. However, the command line application can help in the process of creating new runtimes with the following subcommands:

Usage: kumori runtime [options] [command]


  -h, --help                   output usage information


  add [options] <name>         Adds a new runtime to the workspace
  build [options] <name>       Creates a distributable version of the runtime
  register [options] <name>    Registers a runtime in a stamp
  remove [options] <name>      Removes an existing runtime from the workspace
  unregister [options] <name>  Unregisters a runtime from a stamp

The subcommands add and remove are used to create and remove custom runtime configuration (Dockerfile and manifest) in the workspace.

The build subcommand is used to create the Docker image. We strongly recommend to use this subcommand instead of the plain docker build since this subcommand will create a delta image containing only the docker layers on the top of the parent native image used. That might reduce a lot the weight of the resulting image.

Finally, register and unregister subcommands are used to upload or remove images from the Kumori Platform.

Service Command

This command is used to manage the services in the workspace and includes the following subcommands:

Usage: kumori service [options] [command]


  -h, --help                   output usage information


  add [options] <name>         Adds a new service to the workspace
  register [options] <name>    Registers a service in a stamp
  remove [options] <name>      Removes an existing service from the workspace
  unregister [options] <name>  Unregisters a service from a stamp

The subcommands add and remove are used to define new services in the workspace and remove them. The subcommands register and unregister are used to upload and remove the services from the Kumori Platform.

Set Command

This one is used mainly to change the default values used when adding new elements to the workspace.

Usage: kumori set [options] [command]


  -h, --help       output usage information


  domain <domain>  Changes the default domain used in the workspace elements

Currently, only the default domain can be set, usually to the developer's company domain. The domain is used to name the elements.

Stamp Command

The stamp command register new platforms in the command line client. By default, the client comes with Local Stamp and the official kumori platform registered.

Usage: kumori stamp [options] [command]


  -h, --help                        output usage information


  add [options] <name> <admission>  Adds a new stamp to the workspace
  list [options]                    Shows detailed information about the stamps registered in this workspace
  remove <name>                     Removes a stamp
  update [options] <name>           Updates the information of a previously registered stamp
  use <name>                        Sets a stamp as the default stamp

For each stamp the following information must be provided:

  • The stamp nickname. This is used to refere to this stamp in other commands.
  • The stamp admission URL. This is used by the command line application to interact with the Kumori Platform.
  • The stamp authentication token. This token can be picked up from the platform dashboard. Recall that tokens expire.

So, taken that into account, with the add subcommand a new platform can be registered. The update subcommand can be used to change the configuration of a previously registered stamp. The remove subcommand deletes a previously registered Kumori Platform instance. The use subcommand sets the Kumori Platform used by default. Finally, registered stamps can be listed by using the list subcommand.

Yeoman Generators

The Kumori CLI internally uses yeoman generators to populate the workspace when the add subcommands are executed. Take a look to Kumori's generators list in @kumori/generator-workspace module.


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