
Create GitHub releases from git metadata

conventional-github-releaser, github, release, releases, conventional-changelog, conventional, changelog, log, standard-version
npm install @public-js/cc-github-releaser@1.1.0



Build Version Downloads Size

CodeQL Codacy Codecov Code Climate

Create GitHub releases from git metadata


Add the package to your project by running:

npm i -D @public-js/cc-github-releaser

Create a new token or use an existing one. Make sure the token you're going to use has a public_repo scope (or repo for private repositories).

Assign you token to any of the following env variables: GITHUB_TOKEN, GH_TOKEN, CONVENTIONAL_GITHUB_RELEASER_TOKEN or pass it with any of these parameters: -t or --token.

Workflow setup

For you convenience, you might want to add the following to your root package.json file:

"scripts": {
  "github-release": "cc-github-releaser"

Execute it from you workflow like this:

run: npm run github-release
  • Commit your changes
  • Make sure you build/tests pass
  • Bump version with any tool e.g. standard-version or do it manually then commit the change
  • Create & push a version tag e.g. 1.2.3
  • Execute cc-github-releaser to create a release

If you want a more fancy release process, check out this workflow.

Package size

Although Package Phobia reports this package to be pretty heavy, keep in mind that:

  • This package should not be bundled with your distribution
  • You probably already have at least half of its dependencies' installed
  • This package allows a lot of flexibility in dependencies' versions



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