
Syntax highlighting for inline code

docsify, docsify-plugin, prism, highlight, syntax
npm install @rakutentech/docsify-code-inline@1.0.1



A library of exquisite helpers and utilities for ES apps.


This repository is a monorepo which leverages pnpm for dependency management.

To begin, please install pnpm:

$ npm install pnpm -g

Working with Plugin Packages

All plugin packages are kept in the /packages directory.

Adding dependencies:

$ pnpm add <package> --filter ./packages/<name>

Where <package> is the name of the NPM package you wish to add for a plugin package, and <name> is the proper name of the plugin. e.g. @rakutentech/foo.


$ pnpm run publish -- <name> [flags]

Where <name> is the portion of the plugin package name following @rakutentech/, e.g. foo)

The publish script performs the following actions:

  • Gathers commits from the last release tag
  • Determines the next appropriate version bump (major, minor, or patch)
  • Updates package.json
  • Generates a new ChangeLog entry
  • Updates CHANGELOG.md for the target plugin
  • Commits package.json and CHANGELOG.md, with a commit message is in the form chore(release): <name>-v<version>
  • Publishes to NPM
  • Tags the release in the form <name>-v<version> (e.g. foo-v0.1.0)
  • Pushes the commit and tag to Github

The following flags are available to modify the publish process:

  • --dry tells the script to perform a dry-run, skipping any file modifications, NPM, or Git Actions. Results from version determination and new ChangeLog additions are displayed.
  • --major, --minor, --patch can be used to force a particular type of semver bump.
  • --no-push will instruct the script not to push changes and tags to Git.
  • --no-tag will instruct the script not to tag the release.

Running Tests:

To run tests on all packages which have changes:

$ pnpm run test

To run tests on a specific package:

$ pnpm run test --filter ./packages/<name>


To lint all packages which have changes:

$ pnpm run lint

To lint a specific package:

$ pnpm run lint --filter ./packages/<name>

Note: Scripts in the repository will run the root test and lint script on those packages which have changes. This is also how the CI pipelines function. To run either on a package outside of that pipeline, use pnpm run <script> -- @rakutentech/<name>.
