
The Sigillum schema underpins the basic features of the sigillum for each Ordo.

npm install @aetherisnova/sigillum@1.0.0-beta.1


An ornate golden compass surrounded by orbs

Regimen Contractus

The Regimen Contractus of Aetheris Nova is the vault to the schemas that enact the will of the Aetherii.

Table Of Contents

🗂️ 1. Overview

1.1. Monorepo Project Structure

The repo follows the following structure:

├─ packages
│   ├── <package>
│   │   ├── .lintstagedrc.mjs
│   │   ├── .releaserc        <-- semantic release configuration
│   │   ├── LICENSE
│   │   ├── package.json      <-- contains package dependencies and is used to run package-level scripts
│   │   ├── README.md
│   │   └── ...
│   └── ...                   <-- other packages
├── package.json              <-- root package.json that contains top-level dependencies and tools
└── ...

Root package.json

The root package.json utilizes pnpm's workspace feature. The root package.json should only reference packages that are used at the root level or are utilities/tools.

packages/ Directory

The packages/ directory contains, as the name suggests, the packages of the monorepo.

packages/<package> Directory

Each package SHOULD reflect the name of the package, i.e. the packages/sigillum/ and SHOULD contain the following files and directories:

  • .lintstagedrc.mjs - Scripts to run on the pre-commit hook. This file is REQUIRED, however, if there are no scripts to run, use an empty file.
  • .releaserc - The local semantic-release configuration.
  • LICENSE - The license for the package.
  • package.json - The license for the package.
  • README.md - Contains installation and usage instructions relevant to the package.

🪄 2. Getting Started

2.1. Requirements

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2.2. Installation

  1. Install the dependencies using:
pnpm install

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📑 3. Appendix

3.1. Packages

Name Visibility Description
arbiter public A smart contract that can create proposals and allows eligible sigillums to vote for the proposals.
sigillum public The basic smart contract for the Ordos membership NFTs.
types private TypeScript types for the contract clients.
utils private TypeScript utilities for the contract clients.

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👏 4. How To Contribute

Please read the Contributing Guide to learn about the development process.

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