
A react-native component for AppSamurai Ads

npm install @appsamurai/react-native-appsamurai-ads@0.0.10


React Native App Samurai Ads

React Native App Samurai Ads is a project for React Native to enable usage of App Samurai Ads SDK with Google AdMob waterfall flow. It supports Banner, Interstitial and Rewarded Video ad formats. Banner format is implemented as components while Interstitial and Rewarded Video hava an imperative API.

Native AppSamurai Ad SDKs

App Samurai Ads has native SDKs both for iOS and Android.


AppSamurai Ads iOS SDK


AppSamurai Ads Android SDK

Getting Started

Add react-native-appsamurai-ads to your dependencies with one of the options below(yarn or npm);

yarn add react-native-appsamurai-ads
npm install --save react-native-appsamurai-ads

Linking library react-native 0.60+ handles autolinking as it mentioned in autolinking in react-native. For react-native 0.60- version auto linking needs to be done to use libraries with native dependencies correctly. Please refer detailed explanation from Linking Libraries in iOS

react-native link react-native-appsamurai-ads

iOS Platform Notes

Projects that use CocoaPods do not forget to run pod install

You need to initialize ASMobileAds to use App Samurai Ads. You need to add to application’s didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method following snippet;

[ASMobileAds initialize:@"appsamurai-sample-ios-app-id"];

You need to import related modules as well;

@import AppSamuraiAdSDK;

Android Platform Notes

You need to add multidex support to your Android project. You can do this by adding following line to app’s gradle.

defaultConfig {
    multiDexEnabled true

This is a Waterfall SDK that uses Google AdMob to increase publisher’s fill rate. You need to handle Google AdMob initialization process as well, please follow guides on Google AdMob Update your AndroidManifest.xml documentation. You need to initialize ASMobileAds to use App Samurai Ads. You need to add to application’s onCreate method following snippet's related parts;

public void onCreate() {
    // initialize MobileAds with suitable parameters
    HashMap<AdNetwork, String> appIdMap = new HashMap<>();
    appIdMap.put(AdNetwork.GOOGLE, "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713");
    appIdMap.put(AdNetwork.APPSAMURAI, "appsamurai-sample-android-app-id");

    MobileAds.Companion.initialize(this, appIdMap);

Add dependencies following lines in app/build.gradle

implementation 'com.appsamurai.adsdk:core:1.4.1'
implementation('com.appsamurai.adsdk:waterfall:0.1.2') {
    exclude module: 'core'



Importing AppSamuraiBanner

import {
} from 'react-native-appsamurai-ads';

Adding as react element

    adUnitID= {bannerAdUnitId}
    gadAdUnitID= {gadBannerAdUnitId}
    onAdLoaded={() => {
        this.setLog('AppSamuraiBanner adLoaded');
    onAdFailedToLoad={() => {
        this.setLog('AppSamuraiBanner onAdFailedToLoad');
    onAdLeftApplication={() => {
        this.setLog('AppSamuraiBanner onAdLeftApplication');

You need to use test ids for testing purposes

const bannerAdUnitId = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 'appsamurai-sample-ios-banner-ad-id' : 'appsamurai-sample-android-banner-ad-id'
const gadBannerAdUnitId = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? '/6499/example/banner' : '/6499/example/banner'

adUnitID: AppSamurai Ads Ad Unit ID gadAdUnitID: Google AdMob Ad Unit ID testDevices: Array of test device IDs both for AppSamurai Ads and Google AdMob

Supported Banner Sizes

Use adSize property for banner size. Default size is banner (320x50) banner: 320x50, Standard Banner for Phones and Tablets mediumRectangle: 300x250, IAB Medium Rectangle for Phones and Tablets

Callback Methods

onAdLoaded: Called when an ad is received. onAdFailedToLoad: Called when an ad request failed. onAdLeftApplication: Called when a user click will open another app (such as the App Store), backgrounding the current app.


Importing AppSamuraiInterstitial

import {
} from 'react-native-appsamurai-ads';

Requesting Ad

var interstitialAdUnitId = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 'appsamurai-sample-ios-banner-ad-id' : 'appsamurai-sample-android-banner-ad-id'
var gadInterstitialAdUnitId = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? '/6499/example/interstitial' : '/6499/example/interstitial'

var testDeviceIDs = [

    () => this.setLog('AppSamuraiInterstitial adLoaded')
    () => this.setLog('AppSamuraiInterstitial adFailedToLoad')
    () => this.setLog('AppSamuraiInterstitial adOpened')
    () => this.setLog('AppSamuraiInterstitial adClosed')
    () => this.setLog('AppSamuraiInterstitial adLeftApplication')

Please note that, you need to use test ids for testing purposes Showing ad when it is ready


Also you can show ad with promise when it is ready

.then(() =>
.catch(error => {
        console.warn("An error occurred while requesting ad");

Callback Methods

adLoaded: Called when an ad is received. adFailedToLoad: Called when an ad request failed. adOpened: Called when an ad opens an overlay that covers the screen. adClosed: Called when the user is about to return to the application after clicking on an ad. adLeftApplication: Called when a user click will open another app (such as the App Store), backgrounding the current app.


setAdUnitIDs(adUnitIDs): Sets the AdUnit IDs for both AppSamurai Ads and Google AdMob setTestDevices(testDeviceIDs): Sets the devices which are served test ads. requestAd: Requests an interstitial and returns a promise, which resolves on load and rejects on error. showAd: Shows an interstitial and returns a promise, which resolves when an ad is going to be shown, rejects when the ad is not ready to be shown. isReady(callback): Calls callback with a boolean value whether the interstitial is ready to be shown. addEventListener: Adds an event to listener removeEventListener: Removes an event from listener removeAllListeners: Removes all events from listener

Rewarded Video

Importing AppSamuraiRewarded

import {
} from 'react-native-appsamurai-ads';

Requesting Ad

var rewardedAdUnitId = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 'appsamurai-sample-ios-rewardbasedvideo-ad-id' : 'appsamurai-sample-android-rewardbasedvideo-ad-id'
var gadRewardedAdUnitId = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? '/6499/example/rewarded-video' : '/6499/example/rewarded-video'

var testDeviceIDs = [

    () => this.setLog('AppSamuraiRewarded adLoaded')
    () => this.setLog('AppSamuraiRewarded adFailedToLoad')
    () => this.setLog('AppSamuraiRewarded adOpened')
    () => this.setLog('AppSamuraiRewarded adClosed')
    () => this.setLog('AppSamuraiRewarded adLeftApplication')
    () => this.setLog('AppSamuraiRewarded rewarded')
    () => this.setLog('AppSamuraiRewarded videoStarted')
    () => this.setLog('AppSamuraiRewarded videoCompleted')


Please note that, you need to use test ids for testing purposes Showing ad when it is ready


Also you can show ad with promise when it is ready

.then(() =>
.catch(error => {
        console.warn("An error occurred while requesting ad");

Callback Methods

adLoaded: Called when an ad is received. adFailedToLoad: Called when an ad request failed. adOpened: Called when an ad opens an overlay that covers the screen. adClosed: Called when the user is about to return to the application after clicking on an ad. adLeftApplication: Called when a user click will open another app (such as the App Store), backgrounding the current app. rewarded: Called when the user eard reward. videoStarted: Called when the video is started. videoCompleted: Called when the video is completed.


setAdUnitIDs(adUnitIDs): Sets the AdUnit IDs for both AppSamurai Ads and Google AdMob setTestDevices(testDeviceIDs): Sets the devices which are served test ads. requestAd: Requests an interstitial and returns a promise, which resolves on load and rejects on error. showAd: Shows an interstitial and returns a promise, which resolves when an ad is going to be shown, rejects when the ad is not ready to be shown. isReady(callback): Calls callback with a boolean value whether the interstitial is ready to be shown. addEventListener: Adds an event to listener removeEventListener: Removes an event from listener removeAllListeners: Removes all events from listener


react-native-admob has been a great source of inspiration for this project.


App Samurai Mobile Team, mobile@appsamurai.com


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