Use SVG icons in Salesforce formulas
The solution is based on the Salesforce Lightning Design System Icons (SLDS) and implements 2 categories:
standard: (https://www.lightningdesignsystem.com/icons/#standard)
utility: (https://www.lightningdesignsystem.com/icons/#utility)
Prerequisite: local installation of ant. (https://ant.apache.org/manual/install.html)
Change your current folder to ./install
Edit the build.properties file and replace with your credentials and optionnaly change the serverurl to https://test.salesforce.com for sandboxes or to your own salesforce instance.
Execute "ant deployCode -lib ant-salesforce.jar" to install the metadata to your org.
How to use?
Create a text formula field and use the IMAGE function and use the following image URL:
- iconName: name of the SLDS icon name.
- iconWidth: width in pixels.
- iconHeight: height in pixels.
- color: hex color code. (do not prefix with the # sign)
IMAGE("/apex/slds_icon_standard?name=check&width=25&height=25&color=05f535", "")
IMAGE("/apex/slds_icon_utility?name=check&width=25&height=25&color=05f535", "")
execute "ant undeployCode -lib ant-salesforce.jar"