
Shared TypeScript [ESLint](https://eslint.org/) config for CZI's Education initiative.

eslint, eslint-config, typescript
npm install @chanzuckerberg/eslint-config-edu-ts@1.0.9


[DEPRECATED] frontend-libs

** DEPRECATED ** this repository is no longer used to publish packages. Reference https://github.com/chanzuckerberg/edu-libs instead


Monorepo of frontend, TypeScript projects for use by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

Project goals

The packages in this monorepo are

  • Useful between projects and initiatives at CZI
  • Useful for other companies and the open-source community

Using a monorepo eases the maintenance burden by sharing configuration and tooling across packages. Overall goals for this project are

  • Package are independent. Unrelated packages can live in this repository.
  • Packages are built, linted, and tested at the top level (instead of individually), to keep things simpler.
  • Packages can override config as necessary.
  • Scripts are straightforward and standard, so upgrading dependencies is as easy as possible. Limit custom processes.


All packages are published separately as NPM packages, and should be installed and used as such. See each package's README.md file for installation and usage instructions.



All code and packages in this repository are licensed under the MIT License.

Developing and Publishing

If you want to work on this project or contribute back to it, see the wiki entries on Developing and Publishing Releases.