
e-com.plus Cloud Commerce app for Frenet shipping calculation

npm install @cloudcommerce/app-frenet@0.22.2


e-com.plus Open Cloud Commerce. Prints of demo.ecomplus.plus and 100 on Lighthouse

Starter build and deploy Module and app tests CodeFactor MIT license demo.ecomplus.app

Open source eCommerce platform to use on top of headless commerce APIs, it includes:

  • High performant and fully customizable Astro + Vue storefront;
  • Storefront CMS and page builder;
  • Analytics and A/B testing;
  • Integrations for payments, shipping, ERPs, CRMs and others.

Easy deployment on Firebase, plug & play with e-com.plus APIs.


  1. Long tail eCommerce solution;
  2. Truly flexible, modular and extensible;
  3. Multi-store and i18n ready;
  4. Quick and cheap (as possible) serverless and event-driven setup;
  5. Horizontal autoscale with high availability and performance by default;
  6. Modern tech stack and first-class dev experience;
  7. Easy third-party integrations.