
clean node console messaging and logging

node, console, log, error, success, warning, info, debug, logger
npm install @codedungeon/messenger@0.5.0





Messenger is a simple node module for displaying pretty console logs (with lots of formatting options) and support for logging messages to .log files (including daily rotation)



> npm install @codedungeon/messenger


> yarn add @codedungeon/messenger


Messenger provides a suite of methods which can be used to quickly display appropriately colored messages. Each method can be accessed from the Messenger object, or destructured methods

const Messenger = require('@codedungeon/messenger')
Messenger.success('All tests passed', 'SUCCESS')


const {success} = require('@codedungeon/messenger')
success('All tests passed','SUCCESS)

The following demonstrates how each message can be displayed

const msg = require('@codedungeon/messenger')
const pkgInfo = require('./package.json')
msg.initLogger(true, 'logs', pkgInfo.name)

let showIcons = false
let showLabels = false

msg.critical('critical message', showLabels ? 'CRITICAL' : '', showIcons)
msg.danger('critical message', showLabels ? 'DANGER' : '', showIcons)
msg.error('error message', showLabels ? 'ERROR' : '', showIcons)
msg.success('success message', showLabels ? 'SUCCESS' : '', showIcons)
msg.warning('warning message', showLabels ? 'WARNING' : '', showIcons)
msg.important('important message', showLabels ? 'IMPORTANT' : '', showIcons)
msg.warn('warn message', showLabels ? 'WARN' : '', showIcons)
msg.notice('notice message', showLabels ? 'NOTICE' : '', showIcons)
msg.note('note message', showLabels ? 'NOTE' : '', showIcons)
msg.status('status message', showLabels ? 'STATUS' : '', showIcons)
msg.info('info message', showLabels ? 'INFO' : '', showIcons)
msg.debug('debug message', showLabels ? 'DEBUG' : '', showIcons)

If you want to pass a standard JavaScript object or array Messenger will use the dump method to display message, and if you supply label parameter, it will be displayed first and then message will be displayed (see the ./examples/test-messenger-obj.js example method for further information)

let obj = { fname: 'Mike', lname: 'Erickson', kids: ['Joelle', 'Brady', 'Bailey', 'Trevor'] }
Messenger.success(obj, 'FAMILY')

Using alert helper

You can also invoke any of the Messenger methods using the alert helper which accepts an object of options as opposed to passing the 3 separate parameters

Note: This method does not support calling statically

type - default "info"
msg  - notification message
icon - default "false"

alert({ type: 'info', msg: 'hello world', icon: false })
print({ type: 'info', msg: 'hello world', icon: false })
let msg = 'Hello World'
messenger.alert({ msg })
messenger.alert({ type: 'status', msg, label: '', icon: false })
messenger.alert({ type: 'status', msg, label: 'STATUS', icon: false })
messenger.alert({ type: 'status', msg, label: 'STATUS', icon: true })

Using print helper (same options as alert)

Or, if you choose, you can use the print helper

let msg = 'Hello World'
messenger.print({ type: 'success', msg })
messenger.print({ type: 'success', msg, label: 'SUCCESS', icon: false })
messenger.print({ type: 'success', msg, label: 'SUCCESS', icon: true })

Messenger Labels

In addition to displaying a full message with labels, Messenger includes label methods which format the supplied text as label

You can build each of message label only, providing the ability to construct messages with mixed color and backgrounds. Each method can be access off the Messenger object, or destructured.

const Messenger = require('@codedungeon/messenger')


const { lblInfo } = require('@codedungeon/messenger')
_lblDebug_(labelText: string)
_lblLog_(labelText: string)
_lblInfo_(labelText: string)
_lblStatus_(labelText: string)
_lblNotice_(labelText: string)
_lblNote_(labelText: string)
_lblError_(labelText: string)
_lblSuccess_(labelText: string)
_lblWarn_(labelText: string)
_lblWarning_(labelText: string)
_lblDanger_(labelText: string)
_lblImportant_(labelText: string)


const m = require('@coddungeon/messenger')

console.log(`${m.lblInfo('INFO')} Hello World`)

will produce the following

Messenger Info Label>
<p>Messenger includes a simple logging interface which log all console logging to persisted log files</p>
<h4>Logger Methods</h4>
<p><em>initLogger</em>(logToFile: boolean, path: string, name: string)
<em>writeToLog</em>(type: string, args: object, forceLogToFile: boolean)
<em>loggerCritical</em>(msg: string)
<em>loggerError</em>(msg: string)
<em>loggerStatus</em>(msg: string)
<em>loggerWarning</em>(msg: string)
<em>loggerWarn</em>(msg: string)
<em>loggerImportant</em>(msg: string)
<em>loggerInfo</em>(msg: string)
<em>loggerDebug</em>(msg: string)
<em>loggerLog</em>(msg: string)
<em>oggerStatus</em>(msg: string)
<em>loggerNotice</em>(msg: string)
<em>loggerNote</em>(msg: string)
<h4>Using <code>initLogger</code></h4>
<p>Using the <code>initLogger</code> method at the start of your CLI process, you can determine the location of log files</p>
<p>The following is the basic workflow for initializing Messneger Logger.</p>
<pre lang=// get package information to pass along logger name let pkgInfo = require('./package.json') const Messenger = require('../src/messenger') // initialize logger, defining the directory where logs are stored Messenger.initLogger(true, 'logs', pkgInfo.name)

Log Files

Logger will create a unique log file in the defined log directory (typically either logs or system), each day using the following syntax


System Logger

In addition to defining the logs location, you can also use a reserved name system which will create log files using the operating system log directory

Messenger.initLogger(true, 'system', pkgInfo.name)

This will create a single log file for defined name

Mac OS

Windows Log File Locations


Copyright © 2019-2022 Mike Erickson Released under the MIT license


messenger written by Mike Erickson

E-Mail: mike.erickson@codedungeon.io

Twitter: @codedungeon

Website: codedungeon.io