
Continuum is a feedback component that allows your users to provide continuous feedback. You can use as open ui or as popover, triggered by a button.

npm install @ditadi/continuum@0.3.0


Continuum is a feedback component that allows your users to provide continuous feedback. You can use as open ui or as popover, triggered by a button.


To start using the library, install it in your project:,

npm install @ditadi/continuum
bun install @ditadi/continuum

Use the feedback in your app.

"use client";

import { Feedback } from "@ditadi/continuum";
import "@ditadi/continuum/index.css";

export const FeedbackComponent = () => {
    return (
            labelTitle="Share your feedback about this component."
            labelFeedbackPlaceholder="Your feedback..."
            labelFeedbackMoodMissing="Please select a mood."
            labelFeedbackTextMissing="Please enter feedback."
            labelFinishTitle="Your feedback has been received."
            labelFinishSubtitle="Thank you for your help."
            onFeedbackSent={(e) => console.log(e)}
            onFeedbackOpen={() => console.log("Feedback open.")}

API Reference


Contains all the possible texts you want to customize, ui style and callbacks when a feedback is sent or the ui is shown.


renderType: UI Style of the Feedback. Can be open or popover. Required.

labelTitle: String added as small title above the text area. Optional.

labelFeedbackButton: String added on send button. Optional.

labelFeedbackPlaceholder: String added on text area placeholder. Optional.

labelFeedbackAction: String added on button to send feedback. Optional.

labelFeedbackTextMissing: String added to show when the feedback text is empty. Optional.

labelFeedbackMoodMissing: String added to show when no emoji is selected. Optional.

labelFinishTitle: String added to inform that the feedback was sent. Optional.

labelFinishSubtitle: String added to increase your message when the feedback was sent. Optional.

onFeedbackSent: Callback returning the response of the feedback. Optional

onFeedbackOpen: Callback called when the feedback is open from popover. Optional

interface FeedbackResponse {
    feedbackText: string;
    feedbackMood: number;


this project website was heavily inspired by https://vaul.emilkowal.ski/