Install (for node18)
npm install @fortuneland/core
yarn add @fortuneland/core
pnpm add @fortuneland/core
- A bleeding edge framework
- A wrapper of a fast library (biscuit) to interface the Discord API
Fortune is obviously inspired by biscuit but in all ways, devs of biscuit "Believe that you should not make software that does things it is not supposed to do.", fortune thinks devs can use fast and easy-to-use libraries to make their own bots.
Happy coding with fortune :D
- Fortune is just more dev-friendly, great for experienced and new devs
- Fortune is scalable as biscuit
- Fortune doesnt affect performance a lot compared to using only biscuit
- Biscuit is a great library but its just non-feature rich (They made it that way, to became "minimal"), fortune fixes that issue
Docs coming soon
Your files need to be something like this
/ fortune-bot
/ src
/ commands
- ping.ts
/ events
- ready.ts
- index.ts
// index.ts
import { Session } from '@fortuneland/core'
import { GatewayIntents } from '@biscuitland/api-types'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
import { dirname, join } from 'path'
const __dirname = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))
const session = new Session({ token: 'your token', intents: GatewayIntents.Guilds })
async function main() {
await session.loadCommands(join(__dirname, '.', 'commands'))
await session.loadEvents(join(__dirname, '.', 'events'))
await session.start()
// ping.ts
import { BaseCommand, CommandContext } from '@fortuneland/core'
export default class extends BaseCommand {
name = 'ping'
description = 'Pong!'
run(ctx: CommandContext) {
ctx.editOrRespond({ content: 'Pong!' })
// ready.ts
export const run = () => {
console.log('Bot is ready!')
export const name = 'ready'
(Fortune has the same issues as biscuit, because fortune uses biscuit)