
Open ID Connect - Implicit Flow Service for JS

oidc, openid, oauth2, implicit, js, vanilla, javascript
npm install @hawaii-framework/js-oidc-implicit@1.4.2


Hawaii Packages (@hawaii-framework)

Commitizen friendly

Making, updating versioning and releasing packages


Create your package

  • Go to ./packages/ and add a directory for you package, keeping naming conventions in mind.

_Be descriptive please! I.e.: `ngx-package-name` for Angular (2+) packages, `angularjs-package-name` for AngularJs (1), and `js-package-name` for Vanilla JS packages and so on_
  • npm init and follow instructions
_"license": "Apache-2.0",_
_"repository": {"type": "git","url": "git+https://github.com/Q24/hawaii-packages.git" }_
  • Make sure you make a scoped name (in the @hawaii-framework scope) in the package.json
I.e: `"name": "@hawaii-framework/ngx-package-name",`
  • Add linting, hinting, ignore and editor config files, the whole shebang.
  • Add a README.me, and add some basic information about your package, and start a CHANGELOG.md file.
  • cd to your new package root
  • npm set init.author.name "YOUR NAME"
  • npm set ini.author.email "YOUR EMAIL" (Note => this will be public)
  • npm set init.author.url "https://www.qnh.nl"
  • npm adduser and login with your npmjs.com account credentials
  • Make sure version nr of package.json is the same as version nr. lerna.json.
  • npm publish ----access public


This package uses commitizen. Don't install it globally, just just npx. So, when you're ready to commit your work, run: git add . npx git-cz



Publish Alpha/Beta/Nightly/Whatever

You'll want to use the --npm-tag. This way, you can publically install your dev version, but it won't 'release' it to people using the plugin.

How this works? https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/dist-tag Please use their conventions.

So, do this:

  • npm publish --npm-tag=beta