
HingeJS CLI Project generator

app, api, cli, custom elements, framework, generator, javascript, js, spa, web, web components, web-components, custom-elements, es6, es8, front-end
npm install @hingejs/generator@0.0.8


∺ HingeJS - CLI Project Generator

Command line interface

Simple Single Page Application and code generator


Install this package globally

$ npm install @hingejs/generator -g

Generate Project

Please note: You can always Internationalize your application later but it is recommended to do this from the beginning rather than updating during development. This CLI will not be able to do that for you so choose carefully from the start.

New project

$ hingejs new <projectFolderName>

Alias n

$ hingejs n <projectFolderName>

example with project folder name

$ hingejs new test


Command ShortCut Description
--i18n -i Internationalize the new project
--port -p Integer argument ( Default: 9000)

Internationalization Info: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/I18N


$ hingejs new test --i18n
$ hingejs new test --port 7500
$ hingejs new test --i18n --port 7500

Once generated you can run the following command to start the project

You can refer to the project README.md file

$ cd <projectFolderName>
$ npm start

Generate Files

New template file

$ hingejs generate <type>

Alias g

$ hingejs g <type>


$ hingejs generate component
$ hingejs generate element
$ hingejs generate feature
$ hingejs generate service

$ hingejs g c
$ hingejs g e
$ hingejs g f
$ hingejs g s


Command ShortCut Description
component c Components are project specific and have element/service dependencies
element e Custom elements should be built dependency free to be used for any project
feature f New route page for the application
service s Singleton/Observable based services to manage business logic